Eclectic Medical System EMS-D: 4.1.2025
Eclectic Medical System-D: EMS-D
[EklekTik MeDikal SisTem: EMS-D] 4.1.2025.
** The Gregorian New Year 2025: sTaarTeD with a new HMPV virus.
[da Gregorian Niu Yiar 2025: STaarteD with a niu HMPV vaairas.] (You have just read "Inglish" with 50 Roman letters & 1 Axar, which will be normally used henceforth, exept certain Medical, legal terms.)
Again from China itself.
[Agen fraom Caainaa iTself.]
The Question is: why most viruses start from China?
> There could be many factors in this connection.
[da Kwescan iz: Whaai mosT Vaairases sTaarT fraom Caainaa?
> Deyar kuD bi meni faekTors in dis konnekson.]
One main factor could be their food habits.
They eat anything & Everi thing.
[Von me~n faekTor kuD bi deyar fooD haebiTs.
de eeT anithing & everi thing.]
The second factor could be lack of knowledge of suitable kitchen material.
[Da sekonD faekTor kuD bi laek aof da Naolej aofsuTebla kicen maeTerial.]
The third factor being lack of knowledge of Ayurveda including Yoga. .
[da tharD faekTor biing laek aof da Naolej aof Aayurveda inklyuDing Yoga.]
The suitability of an eatable may be quite different on different Group of person; depending on whether s/he is of Vaatik, Pittik or Kafaik in nature!!
[da suTaebiliTi aof aen eetebla Me bi kwaaiT DiffarenT aon DiffarenT Grup aof parson: DipenDing aon whedar s/hi iz aof Vaatik, Pittik aor Kafaik in necar.]
Eclectic Medical System EMS-D: 4.1.2025.
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