Saturday 2 December 2023

"Eclectic Medical System-D" 2.12.2023 / :EMS: "Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life"

"Eclectic Medical System-D" 2.12.2023 /

"EklekTik MeDikal Sistem-D" 


"Eclectic Medical System" 

Simply: EMS 

"Eclectic Medical System-D" /

"EklekTik MeDikal SisTem"


 Encompasses the use of the best suited  "Health / Medical System" 

to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life making her / him healthy 

and happy for long, adapting  

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA


Any other system like:

Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc. /

Enkampaases da yuz aof da besT suiTeD "Helth / MeDikal SisTem"

Tu da sik so aez Tu kyor da pesenT aend sev da laaif meking har / him heldi & haeppi faor laong

aDaopTing Aayurveda, Homoeopaethi aend aor Allopaethi


aor ani adar sisTem laaik:

Caandsi, Necuropaethi aor Harbs 


The Aim is to Save and Serve the Petient 

by providing the Most Suited Cure for the Sick; 

not merely protecting any particular Medical System.


da e~m iz Tu sev & sarv da pesenT baai provaaiDing da mosT suTeD kyor faor da sik;

naoT miyarli proTekTing eni paTTikular helth, meDikal sisTem.

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS 

Is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

.... .... ..... See past Posts.

Today only  / TuDe onli:

"Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life" /

"Haeppi Heldi Enjvaaebla Laong Laaif" /

Prasanna Swath Ahlaadit deergh Jeevan.

Hu Dazn'T wish! a "Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life"! BaT How? 


For mo~r see below:

A. Daily Routine:

> Get up before 6am or Sunrise whichear is the first.

> Do very light exersise on the bed itself.

> After ablusion do some Yoga including Simple Pranaayaam like Anulom - Vilom i.e. long inhalation & Exhelation jast 5 cycles, Soorya Namaskar.  

> Take vegiterian break-faast, lunch & Dinner. 

Avoide taking sower items.

> Make some friends children, young & old gossip but  no lies. 

> Do some walking.   

B. Find wheather You are Vatic, Pittic or Kafaik, by  observing the 3 rings just bilow your Palm, the Barometer of the Body: LefT palm if you are a Fimale, Right in case of a Male. 

> You may find 3-ring like lines: 

>> The middle one is Cough or Fat-Line.

>> The one towards the fingers iz the Pitta-line.

>> The 3rd. one is Vaat-line. In case:

>>>  The Cough-line is prominant & continuous: You are Coughic & Aristrocratic person.

> Eat less Fatty items for good health.

>>> Pitta-line is stronger, you are Pittik and have less control on yor fealings, anger etc. 

> Eat less spices, Masaalaas.

>>> The Vaati person are more calm & peaceful.

> Eat less acidic items for good health.

 C. Adopt EMS, neer stic to any particular medical system.

Take minimum MMS: Medicines whic kill not onli Bacteria but harm body organ also.

D. Keep yourself busy doing some routine work good to all including yourself. 

> Never do illegal things:

> Be Truthful in Speec & work. 

> Speak lies minimum. It will make you stronger in every respect. 

> Count the lies /month to reduse it.

E. Abov all, Learn to love & respect one & all,  and practise to be happy ever. Keep smiling, laughing, Daansing.

> Do not be afread of when you are Truthful.

** EMS has shown above 5-Basic Pathas for:

"Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life" /

"Haeppi Heldi Enjvaaebla Laong Laaif" /

Prasanna Swath Ahlaadit deergh Jeevan.

>> Ho~ps da reedars wuD bi benifiTTeD baai guing thru whaaT aar seD above. [You are reading in Inglish with 1+  50 Romon LeTTars.]

> da raaiTar aof da abov Aartikla, 

Dr Deo Dutta Sharma, 85 Yr koming fraom 

"The House of Vedas & Ayurveda" iz aon EMS fraom CaailDhooD aend haez nevar been HospiTalaaizD exepT 3-Dez, a kampalari van baai da Emplvaayar faor a Jeneral Cekap, MECON Ltd.

 Dr Sharmaa STaarTeD Teking "Coronaa EMS Homoeopaethik Vaxin sinsa 21.3.2020.

Dr Sharmaa arliar yuzD Tu geT effekteD baai kaommon KolD vans in 3 Tu 4 months.

BaT waaz naoT affekeTeD iven vans baai da sem sins teking da da EMS Vaexin.


Eclectic Medical System-D: 02.12.2023


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