Saturday, 2 December 2023

"Eclectic Medical System-D" 2.12.2023 / :EMS: "Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life"

"Eclectic Medical System-D" 2.12.2023 /

"EklekTik MeDikal Sistem-D" 


"Eclectic Medical System" 

Simply: EMS 

"Eclectic Medical System-D" /

"EklekTik MeDikal SisTem"


 Encompasses the use of the best suited  "Health / Medical System" 

to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life making her / him healthy 

and happy for long, adapting  

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA


Any other system like:

Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc. /

Enkampaases da yuz aof da besT suiTeD "Helth / MeDikal SisTem"

Tu da sik so aez Tu kyor da pesenT aend sev da laaif meking har / him heldi & haeppi faor laong

aDaopTing Aayurveda, Homoeopaethi aend aor Allopaethi


aor ani adar sisTem laaik:

Caandsi, Necuropaethi aor Harbs 


The Aim is to Save and Serve the Petient 

by providing the Most Suited Cure for the Sick; 

not merely protecting any particular Medical System.


da e~m iz Tu sev & sarv da pesenT baai provaaiDing da mosT suTeD kyor faor da sik;

naoT miyarli proTekTing eni paTTikular helth, meDikal sisTem.

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS 

Is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

.... .... ..... See past Posts.

Today only  / TuDe onli:

"Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life" /

"Haeppi Heldi Enjvaaebla Laong Laaif" /

Prasanna Swath Ahlaadit deergh Jeevan.

Hu Dazn'T wish! a "Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life"! BaT How? 


For mo~r see below:

A. Daily Routine:

> Get up before 6am or Sunrise whichear is the first.

> Do very light exersise on the bed itself.

> After ablusion do some Yoga including Simple Pranaayaam like Anulom - Vilom i.e. long inhalation & Exhelation jast 5 cycles, Soorya Namaskar.  

> Take vegiterian break-faast, lunch & Dinner. 

Avoide taking sower items.

> Make some friends children, young & old gossip but  no lies. 

> Do some walking.   

B. Find wheather You are Vatic, Pittic or Kafaik, by  observing the 3 rings just bilow your Palm, the Barometer of the Body: LefT palm if you are a Fimale, Right in case of a Male. 

> You may find 3-ring like lines: 

>> The middle one is Cough or Fat-Line.

>> The one towards the fingers iz the Pitta-line.

>> The 3rd. one is Vaat-line. In case:

>>>  The Cough-line is prominant & continuous: You are Coughic & Aristrocratic person.

> Eat less Fatty items for good health.

>>> Pitta-line is stronger, you are Pittik and have less control on yor fealings, anger etc. 

> Eat less spices, Masaalaas.

>>> The Vaati person are more calm & peaceful.

> Eat less acidic items for good health.

 C. Adopt EMS, neer stic to any particular medical system.

Take minimum MMS: Medicines whic kill not onli Bacteria but harm body organ also.

D. Keep yourself busy doing some routine work good to all including yourself. 

> Never do illegal things:

> Be Truthful in Speec & work. 

> Speak lies minimum. It will make you stronger in every respect. 

> Count the lies /month to reduse it.

E. Abov all, Learn to love & respect one & all,  and practise to be happy ever. Keep smiling, laughing, Daansing.

> Do not be afread of when you are Truthful.

** EMS has shown above 5-Basic Pathas for:

"Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life" /

"Haeppi Heldi Enjvaaebla Laong Laaif" /

Prasanna Swath Ahlaadit deergh Jeevan.

>> Ho~ps da reedars wuD bi benifiTTeD baai guing thru whaaT aar seD above. [You are reading in Inglish with 1+  50 Romon LeTTars.]

> da raaiTar aof da abov Aartikla, 

Dr Deo Dutta Sharma, 85 Yr koming fraom 

"The House of Vedas & Ayurveda" iz aon EMS fraom CaailDhooD aend haez nevar been HospiTalaaizD exepT 3-Dez, a kampalari van baai da Emplvaayar faor a Jeneral Cekap, MECON Ltd.

 Dr Sharmaa STaarTeD Teking "Coronaa EMS Homoeopaethik Vaxin sinsa 21.3.2020.

Dr Sharmaa arliar yuzD Tu geT effekteD baai kaommon KolD vans in 3 Tu 4 months.

BaT waaz naoT affekeTeD iven vans baai da sem sins teking da da EMS Vaexin.


Eclectic Medical System-D: 02.12.2023


01.12.2023 "Eclectic Medical System-D" "EklekTik MeDikal Sistem-D" :EMS:

 01.12.2023 "Eclectic Medical System-D"

"EklekTik MeDikal Sistem-D"


"Eclectic Medical System" 

Simply: EMS 

"Eclectic Medical System-D" /

"EklekTik MeDikal SisTem"


 Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System" 

to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life making her / him healthy 

and happy for long, adapting  

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA


Any other system like:

Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.

The Aim is to Save and Serve the People 

by providing the Most Suited Cure for the Sick; 

not merely protecting any particular Medical System. 

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS 

Is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

.... .... ..... See past Posts.

Some Specific Case History of Sufferers:

 Curing by "Eclectic Medical System-D", EMS:  /

Sam Spesifik Kes HisTori aof Saffarars:

Kyuring baai "EklekTik MeDikal SisTem-D", EMS

*1. Look how a "Lever Abssess" is cured by  EMS:  By Dr Basu, MD, MMS: 

For details go to earlier Posts.

*2. Cure of a "Sufferer of regular throat coughing", dry coughing since 1.5 yr without chest congestion":  is cured by  EMS: 

For details go to earlier Posts.

*3. Cure of Gland Problem: By MMS by Late Dr Ganguli, Raniganj,WB, India: Homoeopatic Gland & Cancer Specialist. no permanent cure by MMS but by Homoeopathy, Permanent cure. 

For details go to earlier Posts

*4. EMS: For "Asal Praakritik Pariwaar Niyojan" 

"Real Natural Family Planning": with Genetic Engineering & Ayurveda: 

For details go to earlier Posts

*5. Cure of Acute Jaundice: by EMS: This case is of Prime Impotance for all Parents.

For details go to earlier Posts.

*6. Cure of 8 Yr old Asthma: by EMS: 

After 2 months he stopped applying ghee. Thus, he was free from Asthma after 8 years suffering with MMS medicines.

For details go to earlier Posts.

*7. Cure of 'White Patches', Leucoderma: by EMS: Homoeopathy and Ayurved.

For details go to earlier Posts.

*8. Curing Sufferers of a Village of about 2500 population by Asthma: by EMS: 

For for details go to earlier posts.

* 9. Cure of 3/4 Month Asthma by MMS within 3 days:

For for details go to earlier posts.

*10. Cure of Common Cold: in 2h  

  "Common cold' FaTaak se Furrr~~" 

"Common cold' go, went, gone ...." 

For for details go to earlier posts.

11. Bowing to 'Mata': 'The 7 Sisters'

Missles, smallbpox, verities of Pox ... virus. Stop, stop and stop.

Indians: No no no no ... no Pox or Small pox, but 'Mata' aa 'Maai' i.e 'Mother: 7 Sisters'; but here 'Maataa' or 'Maai' is considered as 'Devi', or 'Devies' who are '7 Sisters' like:

1. 'BaRee Maataa', (Pox)

2. 'Majhalee Maai', (pox)

3. 'Chotee Maataa', (small Pox)

4. 'Kodawaa',  (misles)

5. 'Galsod', (mumps)

6. 'Pansahaa', (scrofula type, scrofuloderma, Skin Absesses) 

7. 'GanDau' (...)

> Names may differ, with language to language, and areas, regions or countries.

But why people in India say 'Mata' or 'Maai'; not Pox, Small pox, misles, mumps ....

Who say? 

How can the viral disease be a 'Maata', 'Mother'?

Do you like to say pox, small-pox, misles, mumps ...

or like to say 'Maata', 'Mother', Maai, Maa?

>> Who is correct? A Vaidya?, or an MMS - physisian?

Believe it or not!! or not!!! 

"Maataa really had come", not only once, but twice, thrice ....  came 'Mata' one after the other within 5 years.

Really, belief it or not!!!

However, 'Mata' did come. She came with all pomp and show.  

All activities stopped, once she came really, 

believe it or not!!!.  However, it is factual with us.

Those who likes to know: Why ‘the pox etc’ is called ‘Mata’ i.e 'Mother' or 'Devi' or goddess in India, should read the following the real happenings to the Author family and relatives.

The story runs >>>>>

My elder daughter-in-Law, Priya (name changed) was pregnant and was living with her parents in Bhopal. My younger son and younger daughter-in-law, Riya (name changed) were also living in Bhopal seperately. My wife was already in Bhopal with my younger son and Riya.  

When Priya got admitted in a Private Hospital, myself and my elder son left Delhi and reached bhopal in time. Priya delivered a healthy male baby in Jan.1996, who has now grown up as an Engineer.  

Next year in Jan. 1997,  when Riya got prignant, myself and my elder son were working in New Delhi. We had decided to go to Bhopal as soon as she was admitted in a hospital.

Ø Riya was admitted in the same private hospital in Bhopal. My elder son had got train ticket for Bhopal for next day at 5.30 am.

Ø At about 1-30 am, I got up as my son was going to wash room again and again. I saw he was under high fever, therefore I gave him water and said, “You cannot go to Bhopal tomorrow. I shall go there by the evening train.” 

In the morning, I checked my son. He was still under fever. Before giving any medicine, I checked his body parts and found that he was suffering from the small – pox. 

I went to the ground floor and said to my land lord, “My son is suffering from small-pox, and I must go to Bhopal as Priya is admitted in the hospital in Bhopal for delivery.”

The land lady said, “Yes, you must go there and not to worry for your son hear, they will take care. She knew well how to take care, when ‘Mata’ comes. Simple plain food, no oil and ghee, no onion and garlic, chilly and spices.”   

I was much relieved from her statements. I got some ‘neem‘ leaves for my son; I also provided him 4 Tabs of “Biochemic Combination Tablet No. 14” for reducing the severity of pox. 

> No MMS medicine is effective in small pox. 

> Ayurveda checks the way of living and fooding simple, plain, oil, butter, Ghee, spices non-veg etc strictly prohibited.   

> I went to my office in Nehru  Place and after day break, I returned to my residence; but before that I had to go to attend the Birth Day of my boy Shri Raju who had reapeatedly asked me for the same. 

In the office itself, I felt sever pain by  the side of my anus, due to which I was unable to sit. Driving with lot of difficulty, I reached Raju's residence,  but could not sit due to pain. Quickly I took leave and reached my residence and layed down. 

> This was coming of "Panasaha Mata". I too dropped my idea of going to Bhopal.

> In Bhopal 'Mata' came to my younger son as small pox, thus no one could visit the hospital where Riya was admitted. 

Thus my wife and younger son and husband of Riya also couldn't go to hospital, 

all were stopped wherever they were.

> Even the mother of Riya who had come to Bhopal from Bhilai and living with her brother with her husband, had severely suffereed with high fever, and her movement was completely stopped.

> Then on 16.01.1997 "the Mata' appeared from the womb of Riya, who was welcomed by all.

When we came to know about the 'Arrival of Mata' born as the elder daughter of Riya and my younger son, we became  very jubilant. 

None of us had earlier sufferred from Pox problem, except in 1954 I had a sever Mumps, a 'Mata' problem.

Then after a gap of 1997 - 1954 = 43 years, 'Pansaha'.

Now, on 08.02.2018 after a gap of 2018 - 1997 = 11 yrs came 'Pansaha Mata', when she came to me recently. 

>> During the birth of the younger daughter of Riya in 

Nov. 2001, we had already had a good experience. 

Thus, we, myself and my elder son decided not to go to Bhopal. The '2nd Maa' appeared to us as the 2nd daughter of Riya and my younger son in 2001, when he himself was with 'ChoTi Mata',  Small Pox.  

>>> Again, when Riya's eldest daughter came to us in Delhi, I had to wait for long on the staion, although I sufferred with "Pansaha" again after a gap of 2018 - 1997 = 21 years, and am still sufferring, which will get OK  within a few days.    

>>> Note:

It surely not a mere chance that not 1 person or 2 persons; but 5 determined person's journies were forced to be stopped for similar regeasons symbolic of the age old saying, no no, practices followed in India since time immemorial as summerised below:

1. My journey from Dehhi to Bhopal > Stopped due to on coming of 'Panasaha' Mata.

2. My elder sons journey  from Dehhi to Bhopal > >  Stopped,due to in coming of 'ChoTi Mata', 'Small Pox' although he never had such situation ever.

3. The meternal-grand mother  of the would be baby, who had  come from Bhilai to Bhopal about a month ago for the same purpose and living with her brother, fell into high fever about 10 days before delivery  and  couldn't  present herself during delivery. 

4. During the birth of the second daughter of Riya, we had good experience last time, thus we didn't plan to to go to Bhopal. 

However my 2nd son and father of the would be 2nd daughter, him self with Small Pox, he was thus allowed by us to see his 2nd daughter after about 40 days.  

5. Last appearance of 1st dtr of Riya in Jan 2018 to me, I again sufferred with 'Pansaha' 'Mata'after a gap of 21 years. 

Summary: 3 real appearances of daughters:

Total appearances = 3 times

Total stoppages of persons = 5

Total time gaps = (1997-1954) = 43 yr,  

and (1997-1964) + (1997 - 1966) = 33 + 31 = 64 yr

and  (2018 - 1997) =  21 yr

= 128 yr / 3 persons = ~ 43 yr gap / person

=> 3 appearances in 365*43 d or in 15695 d

=> with (15695 - 3)/15695 % surity or with 99.98% surity, it can be stated that 'Any of the 7 Pox verieties' can be called as 'Mata', 'Mother', 'Maa', 'Maai', ... or any other such name. 

> Ayurveda prescribes: The effected person should be isolated, and must take plane non-fat food free from oil, butter, spices etc for about 2-2.5 months.

> There are a number of Biochemic remedies, and remedies in Homoeopathy which are preventive as well as curative like Biochemic Tablet no.14, and No. 22.   

> Belladonna bandage for mumps, and or Homeo Belladonna oral is useful, consult a Homeo Dr for exact potency and doses instead of self use of the medicines.

DarshanofMatat concluded

>>> The main differences between: AHA:

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy and Allopathy or MMS: Modern Medical System  as described earlier are: 


>> Next Topic: Curing High BP.

12. Curing High BP: No Medication for Next 1 to 3 years.

*13. Cure of some Cancer by EMS.

*14. Living with HIV.


Eclectic Medical System-D: 01.12.2023

01.12.2023 "Eclectic Medical System-D" "EklekTik MeDikal Sistem-D" :EMS: "Eclectic Medical System" Simply: EMS

 01.12.2023 "Eclectic Medical System-D"

"EklekTik MeDikal Sistem-D" :EMS:

"Eclectic Medical System" 

Simply: EMS 

"Eclectic Medical System-D" /

"EklekTik MeDikal SisTem"


 Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System" 

to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life making her / him healthy 

and happy for long, adapting  

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA


Any other system like:

Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.

The Aim is to Save and Serve the People 

by providing the Most Suited Cure for the Sick; 

not merely protecting any particular Medical System. 

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS 

Is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

.... .... ..... See past Posts.

Some Specific Case History of Sufferers:

 Curing by "Eclectic Medical System-D", EMS:  /

Sam Spesifik Kes HisTori aof Saffarars:

Kyuring baai "EklekTik MeDikal SisTem-D", EMS

*1. Look how a "Lever Abssess" is cured by  EMS:  By Dr Basu, MD, MMS: 

For details go to earlier Posts.

*2. Cure of a "Sufferer of regular throat coughing", dry coughing since 1.5 yr without chest congestion":  is cured by  EMS: 

For details go to earlier Posts.

*3. Cure of Gland Problem: By MMS by Late Dr Ganguli, Raniganj,WB, India: Homoeopatic Gland & Cancer Specialist. no permanent cure by MMS but by Homoeopathy, Permanent cure. 

For details go to earlier Posts

*4. EMS: For "Asal Praakritik Pariwaar Niyojan" 

"Real Natural Family Planning": with Genetic Engineering & Ayurveda: 

For details go to earlier Posts

*5. Cure of Acute Jaundice: by EMS: This case is of Prime Impotance for all Parents.

For details go to earlier Posts.

*6. Cure of 8 Yr old Asthma: by EMS: 

After 2 months he stopped applying ghee. Thus, he was free from Asthma after 8 years suffering with MMS medicines.

For details go to earlier Posts.

*7. Cure of 'White Patches', Leucoderma: by EMS: Homoeopathy and Ayurved.

For details go to earlier Posts.

*8. Curing Sufferers of a Village of about 2500 population by Asthma: by EMS: 

For for details go to earlier posts.

* 9. Cure of 3/4 Month Asthma by MMS within 3 days:

For for details go to earlier posts.

*10. Cure of Common Cold: in 2h  

  "Common cold' FaTaak se Furrr~~" 

"Common cold' go, went, gone ...." 

For for details go to earlier posts.

11. Bowing to 'Mata': 'The 7 Sisters'

Missles, smallbpox, verities of Pox ... virus. Stop, stop and stop.

Indians: No no no no ... no Pox or Small pox, but 'Mata' aa 'Maai' i.e 'Mother: 7 Sisters'; but here 'Maataa' or 'Maai' is considered as 'Devi', or 'Devies' who are '7 Sisters' like:

1. 'BaRee Maataa', (Pox)

2. 'Majhalee Maai', (pox)

3. 'Chotee Maataa', (small Pox)

4. 'Kodawaa',  (misles)

5. 'Galsod', (mumps)

6. 'Pansahaa', (scrofula type, scrofuloderma, Skin Absesses) 

7. 'GanDau' (...)

> Names may differ, with language to language, and areas, regions or countries.

But why people in India say 'Mata' or 'Maai'; not Pox, Small pox, misles, mumps ....

Who say? 

How can the viral disease be a 'Maata', 'Mother'?

Do you like to say pox, small-pox, misles, mumps ...

or like to say 'Maata', 'Mother', Maai, Maa?

>> Who is correct? A Vaidya?, or an MMS - physisian?

Believe it or not!! or not!!! 

"Maataa really had come", not only once, but twice, thrice ....  came 'Mata' one after the other within 5 years.

Really, belief it or not!!!

However, 'Mata' did come. She came with all pomp and show.  

All activities stopped, once she came really, 

believe it or not!!!.  However, it is factual with us.

Those who likes to know: Why ‘the pox etc’ is called ‘Mata’ i.e 'Mother' or 'Devi' or goddess in India, should read the following the real happenings to the Author family and relatives.

The story runs >>>>>

My elder daughter-in-Law, Priya (name changed) was pregnant and was living with her parents in Bhopal. My younger son and younger daughter-in-law, Riya (name changed) were also living in Bhopal seperately. My wife was already in Bhopal with my younger son and Riya.  

When Priya got admitted in a Private Hospital, myself and my elder son left Delhi and reached bhopal in time. Priya delivered a healthy male baby in Jan.1996, who has now grown up as an Engineer.  

Next year in Jan. 1997,  when Riya got prignant, myself and my elder son were working in New Delhi. We had decided to go to Bhopal as soon as she was admitted in a hospital.

Ø Riya was admitted in the same private hospital in Bhopal. My elder son had got train ticket for Bhopal for next day at 5.30 am.

Ø At about 1-30 am, I got up as my son was going to wash room again and again. I saw he was under high fever, therefore I gave him water and said, “You cannot go to Bhopal tomorrow. I shall go there by the evening train.” 

In the morning, I checked my son. He was still under fever. Before giving any medicine, I checked his body parts and found that he was suffering from the small – pox. 

I went to the ground floor and said to my land lord, “My son is suffering from small-pox, and I must go to Bhopal as Priya is admitted in the hospital in Bhopal for delivery.”

The land lady said, “Yes, you must go there and not to worry for your son hear, they will take care. She knew well how to take care, when ‘Mata’ comes. Simple plain food, no oil and ghee, no onion and garlic, chilly and spices.”   

I was much relieved from her statements. I got some ‘neem‘ leaves for my son; I also provided him 4 Tabs of “Biochemic Combination Tablet No. 14” for reducing the severity of pox. 

> No MMS medicine is effective in small pox. 

> Ayurveda checks the way of living and fooding simple, plain, oil, butter, Ghee, spices non-veg etc strictly prohibited.   

> I went to my office in Nehru  Place and after day break, I returned to my residence; but before that I had to go to attend the Birth Day of my boy Shri Raju who had reapeatedly asked me for the same. 

In the office itself, I felt sever pain by  the side of my anus, due to which I was unable to sit. Driving with lot of difficulty, I reached Raju's residence,  but could not sit due to pain. Quickly I took leave and reached my residence and layed down. 

> This was coming of "Panasaha Mata". I too dropped my idea of going to Bhopal.

> In Bhopal 'Mata' came to my younger son as small pox, thus no one could visit the hospital where Riya was admitted. 

Thus my wife and younger son and husband of Riya also couldn't go to hospital, 

all were stopped wherever they were.

> Even the mother of Riya who had come to Bhopal from Bhilai and living with her brother with her husband, had severely suffereed with high fever, and her movement was completely stopped.

> Then on 16.01.1997 "the Mata' appeared from the womb of Riya, who was welcomed by all.

When we came to know about the 'Arrival of Mata' born as the elder daughter of Riya and my younger son, we became  very jubilant. 

None of us had earlier sufferred from Pox problem, except in 1954 I had a sever Mumps, a 'Mata' problem.

Then after a gap of 1997 - 1954 = 43 years, 'Pansaha'.

Now, on 08.02.2018 after a gap of 2018 - 1997 = 11 yrs came 'Pansaha Mata', when she came to me recently. 

>> During the birth of the younger daughter of Riya in 

Nov. 2001, we had already had a good experience. 

Thus, we, myself and my elder son decided not to go to Bhopal. The '2nd Maa' appeared to us as the 2nd daughter of Riya and my younger son in 2001, when he himself was with 'ChoTi Mata',  Small Pox.  

>>> Again, when Riya's eldest daughter came to us in Delhi, I had to wait for long on the staion, although I sufferred with "Pansaha" again after a gap of 2018 - 1997 = 21 years, and am still sufferring, which will get OK  within a few days.    

>>> Note:

It surely not a mere chance that not 1 person or 2 persons; but 5 determined person's journies were forced to be stopped for similar regeasons symbolic of the age old saying, no no, practices followed in India since time immemorial as summerised below:

1. My journey from Dehhi to Bhopal > Stopped due to on coming of 'Panasaha' Mata.

2. My elder sons journey  from Dehhi to Bhopal > >  Stopped,due to in coming of 'ChoTi Mata', 'Small Pox' although he never had such situation ever.

3. The meternal-grand mother  of the would be baby, who had  come from Bhilai to Bhopal about a month ago for the same purpose and living with her brother, fell into high fever about 10 days before delivery  and  couldn't  present herself during delivery. 

4. During the birth of the second daughter of Riya, we had good experience last time, thus we didn't plan to to go to Bhopal. 

However my 2nd son and father of the would be 2nd daughter, him self with Small Pox, he was thus allowed by us to see his 2nd daughter after about 40 days.  

5. Last appearance of 1st dtr of Riya in Jan 2018 to me, I again sufferred with 'Pansaha' 'Mata'after a gap of 21 years. 

Summary: 3 real appearances of daughters:

Total appearances = 3 times

Total stoppages of persons = 5

Total time gaps = (1997-1954) = 43 yr,  

and (1997-1964) + (1997 - 1966) = 33 + 31 = 64 yr

and  (2018 - 1997) =  21 yr

= 128 yr / 3 persons = ~ 43 yr gap / person

=> 3 appearances in 365*43 d or in 15695 d

=> with (15695 - 3)/15695 % surity or with 99.98% surity, it can be stated that 'Any of the 7 Pox verieties' can be called as 'Mata', 'Mother', 'Maa', 'Maai', ... or any other such name. 

> Ayurveda prescribes: The effected person should be isolated, and must take plane non-fat food free from oil, butter, spices etc for about 2-2.5 months.

> There are a number of Biochemic remedies, and remedies in Homoeopathy which are preventive as well as curative like Biochemic Tablet no.14, and No. 22.   

> Belladonna bandage for mumps, and or Homeo Belladonna oral is useful, consult a Homeo Dr for exact potency and doses instead of self use of the medicines.

DarshanofMatat concluded

>>> The main differences between: AHA:

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy and Allopathy or MMS: Modern Medical System  as described earlier are: 


>> Next Topic: Curing High BP.

12. Curing High BP: No Medication for Next 1 to 3 years.

*13. Cure of some Cancer by EMS.

*14. Living with HIV.


Eclectic Medical System-D: 01.12.2023

Sunday, 26 November 2023

China: Again Pneumonia! Eclectic EMS 26.11.2023

 Caainaa: Agen Niumoniyaa!

Eclectic Medical SisTem-D, EMS.

Naorth Caainaa: IT iz seD:
Deyar iz Seeviyar spread aof Niumonia [Pneumonia] Agen, aez iT waaz seD in / araaunD Wuhan in dec. 2019 aafTar whic deyar waaz spread aof Coronavirus kauzing COVID - 19.
> Simptom: Kaf, feevar, ...
no kauzualTi.
[You have just read in "Inglish", the rational one with 51 letters]

EMS will waac mo~r aon dis!

Eclectic Medical System-D 
 EMS, 26.11.2023.

Thursday, 13 July 2023

Pox / Maataa: "Eclectic Medical System-D", EMS:


 "EclecticMedicalSystem-D" :EMS:

"Eclectic Medical System",7

Simply: EMS 

"Eclectic Medical System-D"

 Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System" 

to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life making her / him healthy 

and happy for long, adapting  

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA


Any other system like:

Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.

The Aim is to Save and Serve the People 

by providing the Most Suited Cure for the Sick; 

not merely protecting any particular Medical System. 

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS 

Is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

.... .... ..... See past Posts.

Some Specific Case History of Sufferers:

 Curing by "Eclectic Medical System-D", EMS:  

*1. Look how a "Lever Abssess" is cured by  EMS:  By Dr Basu, MD, MMS: 

For details go to earlier Posts.

*2. Cure of a "Sufferer of regular throat coughing", dry coughing since 1.5 yr without chest congestion":  is cured by  EMS: 

For details go to earlier Posts.

*3. Cure of Gland Problem: By MMS by Late Dr Ganguli, Raniganj, WB, India: Homoeopatic Gland & Cancer Specialist. no permanent cure by MMS but by Homoeopathy, Permanent cure. 

For details go to earlier Posts

*4. EMS: For "Asal Praakritik Pariwaar Niyojan" 

"Real Natural Family Planning": with Genetic Engineering & Ayurveda: 

For details go to earlier Posts

*5. Cure of Acute Jaundice: by EMS: This case is of Prime Impotance for all Parents.

For details go to earlier Posts.

*6. Cure of 8 Yr old Asthma: by EMS: 

After 2 months he stopped the cure. Still, he was free from Asthma after 8 years suffering with MMS medicines in 2 months.

For details go to earlier Posts.

*7. Cure of 'White Patches', Leucoderma: by EMS: Homoeopathy and Ayurveda.

For details go to earlier Posts.

*8. Curing Sufferers of a Village of about 2500 population by Asthma: by EMS: 

For for details go to earlier posts.

Asthma is a cronic disease, Corona is found to be the acute one.

* 9. Cure of 3/4 Months Asthma by MMS within 3 days:

For details go to earlier posts.

*10. Cure of Common Cold: in 2h  

  "Common cold' FaTaak se Furrr~~" 

"Common cold' go, went, gone ...." 

For for details go to earlier posts.

11. Bowing to 'Mata': 'The 7 Sisters':

Missles, smallbpox, verities of Pox ... virus, mumps. Stop, stop and stop.

Indians: No no no no ... no Pox or Small pox, but 'Mata' aa 'Maai' i.e 'Mother: 7 Sisters'; but here 'Maataa' or 'Maai' is considered as 'Devi', or 'Devies' who are '7 Sisters' like:

1. 'BaRee Maataa', (Pox)

2. 'Majhalee Maai', (pox)

3. 'Chotee Maataa', (small Pox)

4. 'Kodawaa',  (misles)

5. 'Galsod', (mumps)

6. 'Pansahaa', (scrofula type, scrofuloderma, Skin Absesses) 

7. 'GanDau' (...)

> Names may differ, with language to language, and areas, regions or countries.

But why people in India say 'Mata' or 'Maai'; not Pox, Small pox, misles, mumps ....

Who say? 

How can the viral disease be a 'Maata', 'Mother'?

Do you like to say pox, small-pox, misles, mumps ...

or like to say 'Maata', 'Mother', Maai, Maa?

>> Who is correct? A Vaidya?, or an MMS - physisian?

Believe it or not!! or not!!! 

"Maataa really had come", not only once, but twice, thrice ....  came 'Mata' one after the other within 5 years.

Really, belief it or not!!!

However, 'Mata' did come. She came with all pomp and show.  

All activities stopped, once she came really, 

believe it or not!!!.  However, it is factual with us.

Those who likes to know: Why ‘the pox etc’ is called ‘Mata’ i.e 'Mother' or 'Devi' or goddess in India, should read the following the real happenings to the Author family and relatives.

The story runs >>>>>

My elder daughter-in-Law, Priya (name changed) was pregnant and was living with her parents in Bhopal. My younger son and younger daughter-in-law, Riya (name changed) were also living in Bhopal seperately. My wife was already in Bhopal with my younger son and Riya.  

When Priya got admitted in a Private Hospital, myself and my elder son left Delhi and reached bhopal in time. Priya delivered a healthy male baby in Jan.1996, who has now grown up as an Engineer.  

Next year in Jan. 1997,  when Riya got prignant, myself and my elder son were working in New Delhi. We had decided to go to Bhopal as soon as she was admitted in a hospital.

Ø Riya was admitted in the same private hospital in Bhopal. My elder son had got train ticket for Bhopal for next day at 5.30 am.

Ø At about 1-30 am, I got up as my son was going to wash room again and again. I saw he was under high fever, therefore I gave him water and said, “You cannot go to Bhopal tomorrow. I shall go there by the evening train.” 

In the morning, I checked my son. He was still under fever. Before giving any medicine, I checked his body parts and found that he was suffering from the small – pox. 

I went to the ground floor and said to my land lord, “My son is suffering from small-pox, and I must go to Bhopal as Priya is admitted in the hospital in Bhopal for delivery.”

The land lady said, “Yes, you must go there and not to worry for your son hear, they will take care. She knew well how to take care, when ‘Mata’ comes. Simple plain food, no oil and ghee, no onion and garlic, chilly and spices.”   

I was much relieved from her statements. I got some ‘neem‘ leaves for my son; I also provided him 4 Tabs of “Biochemic Combination Tablet No. 14” for reducing the severity of pox. 

> No MMS medicine is effective in small pox. 

> Ayurveda checks the way of living and fooding simple, plain, oil, butter, Ghee, spices non-veg etc strictly prohibited.   

> I went to my office in Nehru  Place and after day break, I returned to my residence; but before that I had to go to attend the Birth Day of my boy Shri Raju who had reapeatedly asked me for the same. 

In the office itself, I felt sever pain by  the side of my anus, due to which I was unable to sit. Driving with lot of difficulty, I reached Raju's residence,  but could not sit due to pain. Quickly I took leave and reached my residence and layed down. 

> This was coming of "Panasaha Mata". I too dropped my idea of going to Bhopal.

> In Bhopal 'Mata' came to my younger son as small pox, thus no one could visit the hospital where Riya was admitted. 

Thus my wife and younger son and husband of Riya also couldn't go to hospital, 

all were stopped wherever they were.

> Even the mother of Riya who had come to Bhopal from Bhilai and living with her brother with her husband, had severely suffereed with high fever, and her movement was completely stopped.

> Then on 16.01.1997 "the Mata' appeared from the womb of Riya, who was welcomed by all.

When we came to know about the 'Arrival of Mata' born as the elder daughter of Riya and my younger son, we became  very jubilant. 

None of us had earlier sufferred from Pox problem, except in 1954 I had a sever Mumps, a 'Mata' problem.

Then after a gap of 1997 - 1954 = 43 years, 'Pansaha'.

Now, on 08.02.2018 after a gap of 2018 - 1997 = 11 yrs came 'Pansaha Mata', when she came to me recently. 

>> During the birth of the younger daughter of Riya in 

Nov. 2001, we had already had a good experience. 

Thus, we, myself and my elder son decided not to go to Bhopal. The '2nd Maa' appeared to us as the 2nd daughter of Riya and my younger son in 2001, when he himself was with 'ChoTi Mata',  Small Pox.  

>>> Again, when Riya's eldest daughter came to us in Delhi, I had to wait for long on the staion, although I sufferred with "Pansaha" again after a gap of 2018 - 1997 = 21 years, and am still sufferring, which will get OK  within a few days.    

>>> Note:

It surely not a mere chance that not 1 person or 2 persons; but 5 determined person's journies were forced to be stopped for similar regeasons symbolic of the age old saying, no no, practices followed in India since time immemorial as summerised below:

1. My journey from Delhi to Bhopal > Stopped due to on coming of 'Panasaha' Mata.

2. My elder sons journey  from Delhi to Bhopal > >  Stopped, due to in coming of 'ChoTi Mata', 'Small Pox' although he never had such situation ever.

3. The meternal-grand mother  of the would be baby, who had  come from Bhilai to Bhopal about a month ago for the same purpose and living with her brother, fell into high fever about 10 days before delivery  and  couldn't  present herself during delivery. 

4. During the birth of the second daughter of Riya, we had good experience last time, thus we didn't plan to to go to Bhopal. 

However my 2nd son and father of the would be 2nd daughter, him self with Small Pox, he was thus allowed by us to see his 2nd daughter after about 40 days.  

5. Last appearance of 1st dtr of Riya in Jan 2018 to me, I again sufferred with 'Pansaha' 'Mata'after a gap of 21 years. 

Summary: 3 real appearances of daughters:

Total appearances = 3 times

Total stoppages of persons = 5

Total time gaps = (1997-1954) = 43 yr,  

and (1997-1964) + (1997 - 1966) = 33 + 31 = 64 yr

and  (2018 - 1997) =  21 yr

= 128 yr / 3 persons = ~ 43 yr gap / person

=> 3 appearances in 365*43 d or in 15695 d

=> with (15695 - 3)/15695 % surity or with 99.98% surity, it can be stated that 'Any of the 7 Pox verieties' can be called as 'Mata', 'Mother', 'Maa', 'Maai', ... or any other such name. 

> Ayurveda prescribes: The effected person should be isolated, and must take plane non-fat food free from oil, butter, spices etc for about 2-2.5 months.

> There are a number of Biochemic remedies, and remedies in Homoeopathy which are preventive as well as curative like Biochemic Tablet no.14, and No. 22.   

> Belladonna bandage for mumps, and or Homeo Belladonna oral is useful, consult a Homeo Dr for exact potency and doses instead of self use of the medicines.

:Darshan of Mata concluded:

>>> The main differences between: AHA:

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy and Allopathy or MMS: Modern Medical System  as described earlier are: 


>> Next Topic: Curing High BP.

12. Curing High BP: No Medication for Next 1 to 3 years.

*13. Cure of some Cancer by EMS.

*14. Living with HIV.


Eclectic Medical System-D: 14.07.2023

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Eclectic medical system.d 9-12.5.2023

Eclectic medical system.d / EMS, 9.5.2023.

EMS iz Taop:

da EMS Homio Vaeksin:

 TraayeD aon a nambar aof parsons sins Maarc 2020 Till April 2023, inDikeTs daeT da sem iz a vaexin faor naoT onli aol Taaips aof Koronaa, baT iz a vaexin faor even Kaommon kolD.

* Meni aof  do~z hu aar Teking da Vaeksin, didn'T haev  Kaommon kolD so faar in 3 Yiar.

>> Whaail da abov posT waaz biing riTTen, da raaiTar gaoT kammon kolD aTTaek, buT da sem waaz kanfarmD da nexT De.

>>> WhaaT Daz dis inDikeT?

da me~n kauz, da raaiTar waaz haeving problem aof paassing sTòol sinsa laasT 3 Dez.

>> It waaz naoT "Common ColD", iT waaz "Najalaa" when thin waaTari likwiD kams aauT thru no~z

EMS 9-11.5.2023 

Monday, 2 January 2023

Electrical & Electronics work togather. "Eclectic Medical System-D" EMS 02.01.2023

 Electrical & Electronics work togather. 

"Eclectic Medical System-D"

  EMS 02.01.2023

Yu aar reeDing in 'Inglish', da "21st.

** Koronaa-19 [Corona-19]: Deths: 31.12.2022.

 Mahaamaari COVID-19:  NaT-Shell me`:

Caainaa: NaoT Riporting Koronaa deths aez odar kantreez Du. Diu Tu da laek aof Tru raw-DaTaa from Caainaa, even da info. fraom WHO me naoT bi rilaaebla. Caainaa haez even cenjD da veri kraaiTeriaa aof da Deth Diu Tu Koronaa-19, aend seD Tu Dikleyar sTaeTas vans in a month.

Week Ending 31.12.2022,

KanTri Deth ToTal DeTh dis Wk LsT Wk  W.Deths/M. Pop M

WorlD 6 656 601, 10432,  -15% 10700, 1.30, 8000

Jaapaan 2294,  +24% 1857, 18, 125.6

S. Koriaa 421, +12% 3476, 8, 51.3

YSA 1409, -46% 2606, 4, 334.8

Braazil 1050, -3% 1078, 5, 215.4

Fraansa 810, +2% 793, 12, 65.6

Jarmani 693, -21% 884, 8, 83.9

Haong Kaong 382, +44% 266, 50, 7.6

Astreliaa 114, -53% 242, 4, 26.1

Rassiaa 337, -2% 386, 3 145.8

Caainaa *1 224, ?% 6, 0, 1448

Maexiko 141, -31% 215, 1, 131.6

Urugue 10, +150%4, 3, 3.5

Kanaadaa 130, -56% 298, 3, 38.4

Indiaa 8, -67% 23, 0.0 1407

*1. Caainaa DaTa naoT rilaaebla. 224 Deths in Caainaa baai  JHY.


** Electrical & Electronics work togather.   / 

Elektrikal & ElekTroniks work Tugedar.

> Biochemic & Homoeopathy work togather.   /

Baaokemik & Homoeopaethi work Tugedar

>> Ayurveda & Homoeopathy work togather.   /

Aayurveda & Homoeopaethi work Tugedar.

** "Eclectic Medical System-D"


 Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System", for the time being 

to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life, making her / him healthy 

and happy for long, adapting  

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA


Any other system like:

Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.

The Aim is to Save and Serve the People 

by providing the 'Most Suited Cure' for the 'Sick', for the time being; 

not merely keep-on, or stikking  with protecting,  any particular Medical System. 

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS 

is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

.... .... ..... See past Posts. 

** COVID-19: Prevension & Cure: EMS.** 

EMS: Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, MMS Korona Remedies: 

 All main 3 systems of EMS: 

now provide Prevention and Remedy of nCorona-Virus-19:

1. Homoeopathy: 

"Arsenicum Alb. 30c", mother Tinture" in use since March, 2020. Prevention and Remedy as prescribed by a Homoeopathic Dr or EMS Expert.

2. Aayurveda:

Patanjali.s "Coronil-Kit" dawaa: "Coronil, Swaasaari, Anu-tel". Since Feb/March 2021. .


** Yoga Guru Swami Ramdeva and Acharya Balakrishna of Patanjali, Found the 1st Made in India Ayurvedic medicine “Coronil” for Prevention & Cure of Deadly COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus.

Swamy Ramdeva claimed that zero % death rate was observed during the clinical trials of Coronil. 

> EMS-A: Coronil was launched in the 4th week of June 2020.

>> EMS: H: "Arsenicum alb 30c" liquid, is also the prevension and remedy for COVID-19, which must be taken under the advice of a Homoeopathic Dr or EMS expert.

>>> The above >1 and >>2 can be used both as preventive and curative remedy.

> Note that MMS has no remedy for any Virus, not even for the "Common Cold Virus".

MMS certainly have a number of Antibiotics. Steroids etc., which act on bacterial problems or as a booster.

>> On the other hand, Homoeopathy / Biochemic remedies completely cure a patient within a specified time period. More at previous posts on

>> The other main reason is EMS: 

"Eclectic Medical System-D" based on AHA: Ayurveda Homoeopathy Allopathy, and any other pathy, not only MMS as most countries do.

Lately AYUSH ministry allowed Patanjali "Coronil -Kit",  which has prooved 100% effisaacy on 100 Covid-19 sicks curing some within 4 days, athers within 7 days  and the rest within 14 days.

The ethics of EMS is:  

"No particular Medical System is a cure for all

Ailments, thus never to stick to a particular System or Pathy, not even Ayurveda, 

adopt the best one, for the time being".

> For more go to the earlier posts of the above blog.

> Slogan:

For "Healthy, Happy & enjoyable Long Life" adopt

EMS: "Eclectic Medical System-D".

Note: "A sword cannot break or cut an atom or nucleus; which must be bombarded by 'a fast moving n or so' to break it, even according to 'Level-3 Science of nano-pico Technology', where as 'Homoeopathy' and 'rasa-bhasmas' of Ayurveda are based on  'Level - 4 Science'. 

For 'Levels of Science' one may go to the book: "Knowlegde Beyond nano-pico Technology" ISBN 978.1.304.300.27.0 at 

>>> IMA: Indian Medical Association writes to NCM: National Commission of Medicine against inclusion of Ayush medicine as a mandetary  1 week elective posting in any  one of the Ayush medicines in the Internship of MBBS.

* Cure of Common Cold: in 2h by Bio Chemic Ramedy by Sanatanarya Dr DD Sharma.

  "Common cold' FaTaak se Furrr~~" 

"Common cold' go, went, gone ...." 

For details go to earlier posts.


EMS: Eclectic Medical System-D: Srishtyaabda: 25.10.9122