Tuesday, 28 December 2021

COVID-19 Virus-Omicron Variant. "Eclectic Medical System-D"

COVID-19 Virus-Omicron Variant.

"Eclectic Medical System-D"

"Eclectic Medical System" Simply: EMS 



MMS COVID-19 Virus-Omicron Varient: 

This variant of Corona-19 coming from South Africaa is very fast spreding, but less harmful, less fetal.

However an affected person can spread it very fast, although after a few days, the effected person gets cured.

Thus to chech the spreading of this Corona-19 Omicron variant, people must use mask, 

keep 2 m distance from others, 

wash hands, 

consult EMS expert / physisian for getting simptomatic  Remedy.

No one should panic.

>> This Omicron Variant of Corona-19, may be the Natures Cure Device to save people with imunising the affected persons without harming much.

* Total EMS: Vaeksinesan for COVID in Indiaa iz TaopmosT with 96.2% pipul se~f in Indiaa. 

Eh se, EMS ke anusaar: jadi Koronaa-Vyaadhi ke 3-sar tarang aaibo karee Bhaarat me`, ta bahut halluk. 

Aa Theek eehe bhail.

Baakir safai, maask, 2m doori aa Praanaayam calat rahe ke caahee`.


 ** EMS: "Eclectic Medical Sysytem-d" कोरोना टीका करोड़ो लोग लेतारन मार्च 2020 से, आ उपचारो करतारन भारत में EMS से. 

EMS: Millions aar Teking Korona-19 Vaexins 

[Corona-19 Vaccines] sinsa Maarc 2020 in India. 

** Whatever written on this blog voluntarily in the interest of all, is without prejudice:

** Mahaamaari COVID-19 ke Rok aa Upcaar:

"Eclectic Medical System-D". 

"Eclectic Medical System-D"


 Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System", for the time being 

to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life, making her / him healthy 

and happy for long, adapting  

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA


Any other system like:

Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.

The Aim is to Save and Serve the People 

by providing the 'Most Suited Cure' for the 'Sick', for the time being; 

not merely keep-on, or stikking  with protecting,  any particular Medical System. 

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS 

is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

.... .... ..... See past Posts. 

** COVID-19: Prevension & Cure: EMS.** 

EMS: Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, MMS Korona Remedies: 

 All main 3 systems of EMS: Eclecticmedicalsystem-d.blogspot.com 

now provide Prevention and Remedy of nCorona-Virus-19:

1. Homoeopathy: 

"Arsenicum Alb. 30c", mother Tinture" in use since March, 2020. Prevention and Remedy as prescribed by a Homoeopathic Dr or EMS Expert.

2. Aayurveda:

Patanjali.s "Coronil-Kit" dawaa: "Coronil, Swaasaari, Anu-tel". Since Feb/March 2021. .


** Yoga Guru Swami Ramdeva and Acharya Balakrishna of Patanjali, Found the 1st Made in India Ayurvedic medicine “Coronil” for Prevention & Cure of Deadly COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus.

Swamy Ramdeva claimed that zero % death rate was observed during the clinical trials of Coronil. 

> EMS-A: Coronil was launched in the 4th week of June 2020.

>> EMS: H: "Arsenicum alb 30c" liquid, is also the prevension and remedy for COVID-19, which must be taken under the advice of a Homoeopathic Dr or EMS expert.

>>> The above >1 and >>2 can be used both as preventive and curative remedy.

> Note that MMS has no remedy for any Virus, not even for the "Common Cold Virus".

MMS certainly have a number of Antibiotics. Steroids etc., which act on bacterial problems or as a booster.

>> On the other hand, Homoeopathy / Biochemic remedies completely cure a patient within a specified time period. More at previous posts on www.eclecticmedicalsysten-d.blogspot.com

>> The other main reason is EMS: 

"Eclectic Medical System-D" based on AHA: Ayurveda Homoeopathy Allopathy, and any other pathy, not only MMS as most countries do.

Lately AYUSH ministry allowed Patanjali "Coronil -Kit",  which has prooved 100% effisaacy on 100 Covid-19 sicks curing some within 4 days, athers within 7 days  and the rest within 14 days.

The ethics of EMS is:  

"No particular Medical System is a cure for all

Ailments, thus never to stick to a particular System or Pathy, not even Ayurveda, 

adopt the best one, for the time being".

> For more go to the earlier posts of the above blog.

> Slogan:

For "Healthy, Happy & enjoyable Long Life" adopt

EMS: "Eclectic Medical System-D".

Note: "A sword cannot break or cut an atom or nucleus; which must be bombarded by 'a fast moving n or so' to break it, even according to 'Level-3 Science of nano-pico Technology', where as 'Homoeopathy' and 'rasa-bhasmas' of Ayurveda are based on  'Level - 4 Science'. 

For 'Levels of Science' one may go to the book: "Knowlegde Beyond nano-pico Technology" ISBN 978.1.304.300.27.0 at www.scribd.com. 

>>> IMA: Indian Medical Association writes to NCM: National Commission of Medicine against inclusion of Ayush medicine as a mandetary  1 week elective posting in any  one of the Ayush medicines in the Internship of MBBS.

* Cure of Common Cold: in 2h by Bio Chemic Ramedy by Sanatanarya Dr DD Sharma.

  "Common cold' FaTaak se Furrr~~" 

"Common cold' go, went, gone ...." 

For for details go to earlier posts.


Eclectic Medical System-D: Srishtyaabda: 09.10.9121


Friday, 24 December 2021

MMS: Corona Vaccines InEffective in Europe-America.

MMS: Corona Vaccines InEffective in Europe-America.    

Mitram Global Bhojpuri1 

सृ. 05.10.1 972 949 121  शुक 

मित्रं ग्लोबल भोजपुरी  

[International Bhojpui: 24.12.2021 CE] 

अंक EDisan: 291.10.9121

कुछ ख़ास समाचार: Sam Spesal Niuz:

[Be haebeecual of "21st. Century English" => ‘Inglish’ with 50 Letters


**  विक्रमी 23.10.2078: 

श्याम से सऊदी अरबिया ले विक्रमादित्य.

ऊ विक्रमादित्य जिनकर शासन के डंका बर्मा, श्याम से सऊदी अरबिया ले बाजत रहे.  

** कोरोना के Omikron [Omicron] प्रजाति से  पहिला मरन भइल इंग्लैंड से. 

 कोरोना के Omikron प्रजाति से पहिला 13 मरन: उ.के. में भइल 22.12.2021 ले. 


** EMS: भारत में कोरोना के तीसर तरंग आइल आ गइल, MMS के पतो ना चलल. 

[In India Corona-19, 3rd Wave came & gone smoothly as predicted by EMS about 2.5 months ago. 

MMS: could not even notice the same]:

* भारत में करोना के दूसर लहर ke Min. 176 मरन / दिन, 7 दिनन के हरIहरी से bhail, aa teesar Lahar ke Max. bhail 593 Deth/De 28.10.2021 ke @ 7 Dez aevarej, je ab ghatataa @ Deg. 

* 2nD Max: 4150 Deth/De 18.5.21. Min. 176 Deth/De 21.10.21,

* 3rD Max: 593 Deth/ De 28.10.2021 on 7 Dez aevarej reT.

361 Deth/D  Deg. kareeb samtal.

** "COVID-19 Vaccines" iz ineffekTiv in Yurop & Amerikaas? 

"A STaDi aof "Mitram Global Bhojpuri".

 IT iz a GreT Kwescan. Look yorself:

18.12.2021 Koronaa Teekaa [Covid-19 Vaccination]le,  

MMS: Corona Vaccines InEffective in Europe-Americas:

* Max. estimated Deths = 675*55.3%/(4) Column 6. = 37328/(4)   Actual Deths. Estd. Deaths. Aekcual Deth ovar 100% EstD Deth => Vaxins IneffekTiv.


Effectiveness of Corona Vaccines: 20.12.2021CE 675*G6/G6 ** Vaccins IneffekTiv    

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * Vaccines working    

KanTri ToT Dozes M ToT Vaxinesan M Populesan Sef % DeTh/M Est Deth/M America, Europe    

0 Global 8740 7900 55.316 675 675 1    

1 Cin MMS 2680 1447 92.605 403.087 0.0074 *    


2 India MMS 1380 1399 49.321 336 756.839 0.444 *    

Indiaa EMS: Eclectic Medical System-d 2848 1399 101.79 336 366.727 0.9162 *    


3 YSA USA 495 331 74.773 2421 499.215 4.8496 ** America, Europe    

4 Braazil Brazil 325 212.6 76.435 2866 488.365 5.8686 ** America, Europe    

5 Indonesiaa Indonesia 258.5 273.5 47.258 51800.00% 789.881 0.6558 *    

6 Jaapaan Japan 198.7 126.5 78.538 146 475.289 0.3072 *    

7 Mexikko Maxcico 141.7 128.9 54.965 2254 679.122 3.319 ** America, Europe    

8 Rassiaa Russia 140.2 145.9 48.047 1918 776.912 2.4687 ** America, Europe    

9 Paakistaan Pakistan 141.5 227 31.167 127 1197.66 0.106 *    

10 Bangalaadesh Bangladesh 132.3 164.6 40.188 168 928.827 0.1809 *    


11 Vietnaam Vietnaam 138.8 97.3 71.326 262 523.345 0.5006 *    

12 Turki Turki 124.1 84.3 73.606 904 507.131 1.7826 ** America, Europe    

13 Iraan Iraan 109.8 84 65.357 1521 571.139 2.6631 ** America, Europe    

14 Jarmani Jarmani 142.1 83.8 84.785 1227 440.266 2.787 ** America, Europe    

15 Bartaaniyaa YK [UK] 126.5 67.9 93.152 2126 400.723 5.3054 ** America, Europe    

16 Fraansa Fraansa 116.2 65.3 88.974 1824 419.538 4.3476 ** America, Europe    

17 ITali Itali 105.7 60.5 87.355 ####### 427.312 5.1999 ** America, Europe    

18 Thaailaend Thaailaend 93.8 70 67 299 557.134 0.5367 *    

19 Filippaain Filippaains 100 111.70% 4476.3 441 936 0.4712 *    

20 d.Koriyaa S. Koriaa 95.6 51.3 93.177 7400.00% 448 0.1652 *    


21 Spen 82.5 88.7 46.505 1885 ###### 2.2021 ** America, Europe    

22 Arjentinaa 73.4, 73.4 45.7 80.306 2548 495 5.1475 ** America, Europe    

23 Kanaadaa 65, 65 38.2 85.079 779 469 1.661 ** America, Europe    

24 Kolombiaa 62.3. 62.3 128.7 24.204 2491 1674 1.4881 ** America, Europe    

25 Malaysiaa 55.3, 55.3 33 83.788 927 460 2.0152 ** Esiaa    

26 Morokko 49.5 37.5 66 ####### 573 0.6876 *    

27 Saudi Arabiaa 48.4, 35.6 66.6 26.727 248 560 0.4429 *    

28 Polaend 55.6 37.8 73.545 ####### 671 3.377 ** America, Europe    

29 Peru 46.5 33.6 69.196 5988 ###### 9.98 ** America, Europe    

30 Cili [Chile] 42.9 19.3 111.14 1987 371 5.3558 ** America, Europe    


31 Singapore 9.49,  Singaapur 9.49 5.69 83.392 138 448 0.308 *    

32 Sishali Seychelles 0.1829, 0.1829 0.0985 92.88 1320 402 3.2836 ** America, Europe    

33 Naaijeriyaa Nigeria 12.2 206.1 2.9597 14 12610 0.0011 *    

34 South Afri 27.5,  South Afri 27.5,  27.5 59.6 23.07 1497 1616 0.9264 *    

35 Yukren Ukraine 27.4 44.1 31.066 2151 1200 1.7925 ** America, Europe    

36 SAA UAE 22.2 9.89 112.23 214 333 0.6426 *    

37 Kyubaa [Cuba] 87 735 429 1.7133 ** America, Europe    

38 Portugaal Portugaal 89 1851 419 4.4177 ** America, Europe    

39 Thailaend Thaailaed 67 306 557 0.5494 *    

40 Ethiopiaa Ethiopiaa 7 58 5333 0.0109 *    


^ 40 kanTreez.

Rimaarks > Fraom LaasT Kalums, iT looks: 

Faor do~z kantreez with Aekcual \Deth/EstmtD, EsTimeTed Deth well ovar 100%, da “MMS Koronaa Vaexin iz IneffekTiv”. 

Kliyarli, in Yuropian aend Amerikan kanTreez, da MMS Vaexins [vaccines] aar IneffekTiv,   

>>> dis neeDs mor STaDeez aof korsa.


 ** EMS: "Eclectic Medical Sysytem-d" कोरोना टीका करोड़ो लोग 1 Baris se 95 Baris ke log लेतारन मार्च 2020 से, 

आ उपचारो करतारन भारत में EMS से. 

EMS: Millions aof peepul fraom 1 yr Tu 95 yr ej aar Teking EMS Korona-19 Vaexins fraom Maarc 2020. 

[Millions aar teking Corona-19 Vaccines] sinsa Maarc 2020 in India. Aend saffarars aof KOVID aar biing TreeTed baai EMS.

"So laong aez Koronil [Coronil] kyors, hu badars faor WHO." 

** चीन पसरलस वुहान-विषाणु संसारभर में: 

जे से कम से कम 1 मरन/10K भइल 

सृ. 04.10.9121 ले.

Cin pasarlas Wuhaan-Veezaanu Sansaar bhar me`: je se kam se kam 

1 Maran / 10K bhail Sri: 04.10.9121 le 

neece ke deshan me`: 

da MosT saffaring kanTrees aof da WarlD with 

nCOVID minimam 1 Deth/10K aez aon 24.12.2021 KE:

Among da Taop 10 mosT populeTed kantriz, da warsT saffaring kanTreez raenks in riDyusing aordar aar:

13. ब्राज़ील:    Braazil  [Brazil] Deth/10K: 28, 467% WarlD Aevarej.

24. सं.रा.अमेरिका YSA [USA] 23, 383% of WarlD Aev.

28. मैक्सिको Mexiko [Mexico] 22, 367

34. रूस: Rus Rassiaa [Russia] 20. 333

00. विश्व Vishwa WarlD [World] 6. 100 %

121. इण्डोनेसिआ Indonesiaa [Indonesia] 5. 83

134. भारत Indiaa [India] 3. 50

163. पIकिस्तान Paakiataan [Pakistan] 1. 16

164. बाग्लादेश Banglaadsh [Bangladesh] 1. 16%

Sabse jaadaa dukhee deshan ke lisT neece del jaataa ghaTat kram se:

Sansaar ke aosat Maran 6/10K se 102 desh uupar baa, jabki 63 desh neece baa jahavaa Koronaa se kam se kam 100 log maralan.


क्र.सं. Bhojpuri    Inglish [English] मरण/10 K

Sl.no. देश Kantri Inglish [English] Deth /10k

1.  पेरू Peru [Peru] 60

2. बुल्गारिया Bulgaariaa [Bulgaria] 43

3. बष्निया हरगोबिना Bosniaa Harzagobinaa 40

4. मैंटेनिग्रो Montenegro [Montenegro] 37

5. U. मकडोनिया N.MekDoniaa [N.Macadonia] 37

6. हङ्गरी Hangari [Hungary] 35

7. सजेचिया Sjeciaa [Czechia] 32

8. जेओर्जिया Jeorjiaa [Georgia] 32

9. रोमानिया Romaaniaa [Romania] 30

10. जिब्राल्टर: Jibraaltar [Gibralter]   29

11. क्रोएसिआ Kroesiaa [Croasia] 29

12. स्लोवाकिया Slovaakiaa [Slowakia] 29

13.. ब्राज़ील:    Braazil  [Brazil] 28

14. सान मारिनो Saan Marino [San Marino] 28

15. लिथुआनिया Lithuaaniaa [Lithuania] 27

16. अर्जेंटीना ArgenTinaa [Argentina] 26

17.. आर्मेनिया Aarmeniaa [Armenia] 26  

18. स्लोवाकिया Slovaakiaa [Slowakia] 26

19. स्लोवेनिया Sloveniaa [Slovenia] 26

20. कोलंबिया Kolombiaa [Colombia] 25

21. ध्रुवदेश: Polaend [Poland] 24

22. बेल्जियम: Beljiam  [Belgium] 24

23. लटविया Latviaa [Latvia] 23

24. सं. रा. अमेरिका YSA [USA] 23

25. माल्दोवा Maldovaa [Maldova] 23

26. परागुए Paaraague [Paraguay] 22

27. फ्रेंच पोलिनेसिया FrencPo.[Fre Polinesia] 22

28. मैक्सिको Mexiko [Mexico] 22

29.  इटली ITali    [Italy]    22

30. ट्यूनिसिआ Tyunisiaa [Tunisia] 21

31. बर्तानिया Bartaaniyaa [UK]     21

32. युक्रेन: Yukren [Ukraine] 21

33. चिली      Cili [Chile] 20

34. रूस Rus Rassiaa [Russia] 20

35. सूरीनाम: Surinaame [Suriname] 19

36. मार्टिनीके Maartinike [Martinique]  19

37. यूनान: Yunaan Grees [Greece] 19

38. स्पेन: Spe~n    [Spain]  19

39. त्रिनदाद आ टुबैगो Trini & Tubaego [Trindad & Tobago] 19

40. एक़ुआडोर: Ekuwaador [Ecuador] 18

41. गुआदेलोपे Guaadeloupe [Guadeloupe] 18.

42. फ्रांस: Fraans [France]    18

43. पोर्तुगाल: Portugaal [Portugaal] 18

44. लीएस्टैंटन: Lestenten [Liechtenstein] 18

45. उरुगुए  Urugue [Uruguay] 17

46. ग्रेनेडा Grenedaa [Greneda] 17

47. सिंत मार्टेन Sent MaarTen [Sint Marten] 17

48. बरमूडा Barmudaa [Bermuda] 17

49. अंडोरा Andoraa [Andorra] 17

50. पनामा Panaamaa [Panama] 16  

51. बहमा Bahamaas [Bahamas] 16

52. बरमूडा Barmudaa [Bermuda] 16

53. अरुबा Arubaa [Aruba] 16

54. बोलिविया Boliviaa [Bolivia] 16

55. दक्षिण अफ्रिका S.Afrikaa [South Africa] 15

56. ईरान: Iraan [Iran] 15

57. संत लुसिआ SenT Lusiaa [Saint Lucia] 15 

58.. स्वीडन: Swiden [Sweden] 14

59. सिंत मार्टिन SentMaarTin [Saint Martin] 14

60. कस्टा रिका KosTaa rikaa [Costa Rica] 14

61. बेलिजे Belije [Belize] 14

62. ऑस्ट्रिया AsTriaa [Austria] 14

63. सर्बिया Sarbiyaa [Serbia] 14

64. एस्टोनिया Estoniaa [Estonia] 14

65. लक्सेम्बर्ग: Laxembarg [Luxemburg] 14

66. नामीबिया Naamibiaa [Namibia] 13

67. फ्रेंचगुइना Fr. Guinaa [Fr. Guinaa] 13

68. कस्टा रिका KosTaa rikaa [Costa Rica] 13

69. मधुरोष्णदेश: SwiTzarlaend [Switzerland] 13

70. लेबनान: Lebanon [Lebanon] 13

71. सेश्लिष Sesheliz  [Seychelles] 13

72. गुयना Guyanaa [Guyana] 13

73. जर्मनी Jarmani [Germany] 13

74. बर्तानिया-कुमारी द्धीप British Varjin Is [British Virgin Is] 12

75. उत्तरीदेश: Nadarlaends [Netherlands] 12

76. जॉर्डन: Jordaan [Jordan] 11

77. आयरदेश: Aayarlaend [Ireland] 11  

78. कुरो काओ Kuro Kaao [Curocao] 11

79. ऐंटिगुआ बरबुडा AenTiguaa [Antigua & Barbuda] 11

80. अल्बानिया Albaaniyaa [Albania] 11

81. माल्टा Maaltaa [Malta] 10 

82. एस्वातिनी Eswaatini Eswatini] 10

83. फ्रेंचगुइना Fr. Guinaa [Fr. Guinaa] 10

84. बोत्स्वाना Botswaanaa [Botswana] 10

85. माल्दोवा Maldovaa [Maldova] 9

86. हॉण्डुराज: Honduraaz [Honduras] 9

87. मोनाको Monaako [Monaco] 9

88..न्यूकैलेडोनिया NiuKoledoniaa [New Coledonia

89. मलेसिया Malaysiaa [Malaysia] 9

90. तुर्की Tarki [Turkey] 9

91. बारबाडोस Barbaados [Barbados] 9

92. इजराएल: Israael [Israel] 8

93. पैलेस्टाइन: Palestaain [Palestine] 8  

94. गुआटेमाला  Guatemaalaa [Guatemala] 8

95. जमइका Jamaikaa [Jamaica] 8

96. कैरेबियन नेदरलैंड: [Caribbian Nertherland] 8

97.  अज़रबैजान: Azarbaijaan [Azarbaijan] 8

98. लीबिया Libyaa [Libya]

99. वल्लिस आ फुचुना Wallis & Futunaa [...Futuna] 8

100 बहराइन: Bahraain [Bahrain] 7

101. ओमन: Omaan [Oman] 7

102. बोत्स्वाना Botswaanaa [Botswana] 7

103. कनाडा Kanaadaa  [Canada]  7

104. क्यूबा Kyubaa [Cuba] 7

105. फिजी  Fiji 7

106. मैन के द्धीप: Maen ke dweep [Is. of Man] 7

107. मायोटे Maayotte [Mayotte] 7

108.  संत वेसेन्ट & ग्र St. Visent & Gr [St. Vincent &v Gr] 7

109. गुआदेलोपे Guaadeloupe [Guadeloupe] 6

110. तुर्क आ केको Tarks-Kaiko [Turks & Caics] 6

0.  विश्व:  Vishwa:  Warld [World]      6

111. श्री लंका Sri Lankaa [Sri Lanka] 6

112. कबो वर्दे  Kaabo Varde [Cabo Verde] 6

113. कज़ाखस्तानः Kazaakhastaan [Kazakhstan 6

114. संत बर्थ: St. Barth [St. Barth] 6

115. मंगोलिया Mangoliaa [Mangolia] 6

116, चैनेल द्धीप: Caenel dweep [Chanal Is] 6

117. डोमिनिका Dominikaa [Dominica] 6

118. गुअतेमला Guatemaalaa [Guatemala]  5

119. कुवैत Kuwait

120. ईराक: Iraak [Iraq] 5

121. इण्डोनेसिआ Indonesiaa [Indonesia] 5

122. अल सल्वाडोर: El. Salvaador [Salvador] 5

123. बेलरूस: Belaarus [Belarus] 5

124. संत कित्त आ नेविस St Kits & Nevis [St. Kits &Nevies] 5

125. डेनमार्क: Denmaark [Denmark] 5

126. साईप्रस: Saaipras [Cyprus] 5

127. मालदीव्स  Maaldivs [Maldives] 4

128. रिउनिअन: Riunion [Reunion] 4

129. किर्गिजिस्तान: Kyrgyzstaan [Kyrgyjistan] 4

130. फिलिप्पाइन: Filippaains [Philippines] 4

131. संत मार्टिन: SanT MaarTin [Saint Martin] 3

132. डोमिनिकन रिप Dominikan Rip [DominicanRep] 3

133. नेपाल: Nepaal [Nepal] 3

134. भारत: Indiaa [India] 3

135. मोरोक्को Morokko [Morocco] 3

136 ज़िम्बाब्वे   Zimbaabwe [Zimbabwe] 3

137. बर्मा Barmaa Myanmaar [Myanmar] 3

138. लेसोथो Lisotho 3

139. थाईलैंड Thaailaend [Thailand] 3

140. विएतनाम Vietnaam [Vietnam} 3

141. मोंटेसेराट: Monteserraat [Montesrrat] 2

142. मार्टिनीके Maartinike [Martinique] 2

143, सऊदी अरबिया SaudiArabiaa [Saudi Arabia]

144. क़तर: Katar [Qatar] 2

145. सं अरब अमीरात YAE [UAE] 2

146. ग्रेनेडा Grenedaa [Greneda] 2

147. साओ टोमे आ प्रिंसिपे Saao [SaoTome & Pri] 2

148. फिनलैंड: Finlaend [Finland] 2

149. ब्रूनेई Brunei [Brunei] 2

150. नोर्वे  Norwe [Norway] 2

151. मिस्र Misra Ejipt [Egypt] 2

152. फैरो द्वीप Faero Aailaend [Faeroe Is] 2

153. अन्गुइल्ला Anguilla [Anguilla] 2

154. कोमूरोज: Komoroz [Comoros] 1

155. जिबौती Jibouti [Djibouti] 1

156. सेंत वेसेन्ट-ग्रेनेडा SenT VinsenT & Gr. [St.Vincent & Gr] 1

157. जापान Jaapaan [Japan] 1

158. सीरिया Siriaa [Syria] 1

159. मॉरिटानिया Mauritaaniaa [Mauritania] 1

160. वेनेज़ुएला Venezuelaa [Venezuela] 1

161. अफ़ग़ानिस्तान Afgaanistaan [Afghanistan] 1

162. जाम्बिया  Zaambiaa [Zambia] 1

163. पIकिस्तान Paakiataan [Paakistan] 1.

164. बांग्लादेश Banlaadesh [Bangladesh] 1

165. अल्जेरिया Aljeriaa [Algeria] 1

166. कम्बोडिआ Kambodiaa [Cambdia] 1

167. मलावी Malaawi [Malawi] 1

168. सेनेगल Senegal [Senegal] 1

169. इक्विटोरिअल गुयाना  [Equatrial Guyana] 1

170.   गैबोन Gaebon [Gabon] 1

171.   कोमोरोस Komoros [Comoros] 1

172. मौरीसस Maurisas  [Mauritius] 1

173. रवांडा Rwaandaa [Rwanda] 1

174. सिंगापूर Singaapur [Singapore] 1

175. आइसलैंड AaislaenD [Iceland] 1

176. गाम्बिआ Gaambiaa [Gambia] 1

177. केमैन द्वीप Kemaen Aai. [Cayman Is.] 1

178. अन्गुइल्ला  Anguillaa [Anguilla] 1

Uupar ke 178 se jaadaa deshan me` kam se kam 1 log /10K diwangat bhaile Koronaa, Cini "Wuhaan-Veezaanu" se, je Sansaar bhar me` faelawale baa "Caalbaaj Cin". 

"चीनी वुहान-विषाणु: तीसर-विश्वयुद्ध" चालू बा* 

"Cini Wuhaan-Veezaanu VishwaYuddha-3" चालु बI.  

In ovar 178 kanTreez minimam 1 parsan / 10K haev losT deyar laaivs Diu Tu da 'Cini Wuhaan-Vaairas' with

[Covid-19] spreD by Caainaa thruaauT da WarlD aez da "Chinese Wuhaan-Virus World War-3" 

in which over 5.37 M pipul aar aolreDi killD. 

"Chinese Wuhaan-Virus WW-3":

killing ovar 5.35 M parsans Till 21.12.2021.

"Wuhaan Veezaanu Vishwa-Yuddha-3": 

caalu baa, je se 53.7 Laakh se jaadaa log ke maran bhail baa abahee`. 

के पढ़ेला ग्लोबल भोजपुरी?

Ke PaDhelaa Global Bhojpuri?

Hu raaDs "Global Bhojpuri"?

संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका 

YunaaiTed STeTs / United States 12.2K

भारत Indiaa / India 7.59K

जर्मनी Jarmani / Germany 4.93K

अज्ञात क्षेत्र 

An-non Reejan / Unknown Region 4.8K

फ्रांस Fraansa / France 3.65K

पोर्तुगाल Portugaal / Portugal 1.79K

  रूस Rassiaa / Russia 1.73K

यूक्रेन Yukren / Ukraine 944

 इण्डोनेसिआ Indonesiaa / Indonesia 935

इटली Italy 665

 ध्रुवदेश Poland 503

बर्तानिया United Kingdom 378

 तुर्की Turkey 355

 चीन China 314

होन्ग कोंग Haong Kaong Hong Kong 174

 उत्तरीदेश Nadarlaend / Netherlands 166

ऑस्ट्रेलिया Astreliaa / Australia 165

 संयुक्त अरब अमीरात 

YunaaiteD Arab Amiraat / United Arab Emirates 145

पाकिस्तान Pakistan 131

 अउरु Other 5.72K 


 9Th Barris, शुरुआत Suruaat [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]

  ‘Roman', ‘Devanaagari’ Lipi me`. [May use ‘Roman’ or ‘Devanagari’ script.]

** 'Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik', 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi, ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`

['Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'.  Whatever is written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.

>> [Please donate to InBho / Rita Sharma Rupee 100 /- 50/- ... through ICICI Bank Account No. 025501002121, ISFC: ICIC0000255].  


ओरा गइल Oraa gail [The End]   


Sri: 05.10.9121 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी Global Bhojpuri 24.12.2021 CE

Bhojpuri dinan ke naav एतवार सोमार मंगर बुध बियफे शुक शनीचर

Names of Months: 

चैत बैशाख जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन.




Wednesday, 8 December 2021

"COVID-19 Vaccines": Ineffective inEurope & Americaas. Eclectic Medical System-d EMS 8.12.2021

 ** Why "COVID-19 Vaccines" Less effekTiv in Yurop & Amerikaas? 

"A STadi aof "Mitram Global Bhojpuri".

 IT ia a GreT Q. 

3.12.2021 Koronaa Teekaa [Covid-19 Vaccination]:

Kantri M ToTal Dozez %   M Fulli VaexineTD %

* 03.12.2021 le, ToTal Dozes: M Populesan M Fulli Sef% DeThs/M

Global 8095 M 7900 M 51.2% 675

Cin 2516. 1447, 86.9% 3?,

Indiaa MMS 1258. 1399, 45.0% 336,

[Indiaa EMS: 2886, 1399, 103% 336, inkluDs CilDren]

YSA 462.3, 331.0, 69.8% 2421,

Brazil 310.8, 212.6, 73.1% 2866,

Indonesiaa 238.8, 273.5, 43.7% 518.

Jaapaan 197.3, 126.5, 78.0% 146,

Mexikko 132.8, 128.9, 51.5% 2254,

Rus 128.7, 145.9, 44.1% 1918,

Paakistaan 124.1, 227.0, 27.3% 127.

Banglaadesh 99.9 164.6, 30.3% 168  inkluDs CilDren.

Vietnaam 122.1, 97.3, 62.7% 262,

Turki 120.6, 84.3, 71.5% 904,

Iraan 104.9 84.0, 62.4% 1521,

Jarmani 124.4, 83.8, 74.2% 1227,

YK [UK] 116.5, 67.9, 85.8% 2126,

Fraans 106.4, 65.3, 81.5% 1824,

ITali 97.0 , 60.5, 80.2% 2222,

Thaailaend 93.8, 70.0, 67% 299,

Filippaains 89.1, 111.7, 39.9% 441,

Saauth Koriyaa 85.6, 51.3, 83.4% 74,

Spen 76.9, 88.2, 43.6% 1885,

Arjentinaa 68.9, 45.7, 75.4% 2548,

Kanaadaa 60.8, 38.2, 79.6% 779,

Kolombiaa 57.5. 128.7, 22.3 % 2491,

Malaysiaa 53.5, 33.0, 81.1% 927,

Morokko 48.9, 37.5, 65.2% 394,

Saudi Arabiaa 47.4, 35.6, 66.6% 248,

Polaend 42.0. 37.8, 55.6% 2266,

Peru 41.8, 33.6, 62.2 % 5988,

Cili [Chile] 41.0, 19.3, 100.6% 1987,

^Taop 30 kanTreez.

>> Fraom LaasT 2 Kalums, iT looks da Deth/M in Yuropian aend Amerikan kanTreez are abaauT 8 Tu 10 Taaims compeyarD Tu da resT kanTreez 

=> "COVID-19 Vaccines" aar ineffecTiv in deez kanTreez.

>>> dis neeDs mor STaDeez in dis respekT.

* Total EMS: Vaeksinesan in:

  Indiaa 103%, Cili 100.6%, Caainaa 86.9% 

Eh se, EMS ke anusaar: jadi Koronaa-Vyaadhi ke 3-sar tarang aaibo karee Bhaarat me`, ta bahut halluk. 

Baakir safai, maask, 2m doori aa Praanaayam calat rahe ke caahee`.


 ** EMS: "Eclectic Medical Sysytem-d" कोरोना टीका करोड़ो लोग लेतारन मार्च 2020 से, आ उपचारो करतारन भारत में EMS से. 

EMS: Millions aar Teking Korona-19 Vaexins 

[Corona-19 Vaccines] sinsa Maarc 2020 in India.