Monday, 13 September 2021

EMS: Corona-19 Vaccine Prevansion in India: 75%. "Eclectic Medical System-D" 12.09.2021


EMS: Corona-19 Vaccine Prevansion in India: 75%.

"Eclectic Medical System-D" 12.09.2021

"Eclectic Medical System" Simply: EMS

** In ToTal Korona MMS Vaxinesan in Indiaa till 9.9.2021 iz ovar 720 M. 7200Laakh se jaadaa logan ke Koronaa-Teekaa laagal Bhaarat me`. Yaane ki Bhaarat me` MMS ke 51 %, je me` 18% ke 2-Doz laagal, aa 15% ke 1 Doz. 

*1. Bhaarat me` 1.3.2020 se EMS: H ke Koronaa Teekaa shuru baa 3 Baris se 100 Barish ke logan ke, je 1 aadmi ke saal me` 12 Doz diyaalaa. Bhaarat me` anumaanit roop se kam se kam 21% log ekar laabh le taaran, je se EMS ke Doz bhail: 

> EMS-H ke 21%*18 maheenaa*1390 M= 5254 M Doz in 18 maheenaa => 5254/12Maheenaa = 440 Doz

EMS-A (Patanjali KiT) = 300 M Doz.

Total EMS Koronaa Teekaa= 720+440+300 Doz =1460 M Doz 9.9.2021 le, 18 Maheenan me`. i.e. 

[>> Jadi 1 Baris ke suraxaa ke baat karee` ta ekwivaelenT EMS Doz bhail: MMS+H+A

= 0.51*1390/2+440+300 = 350+440+300 = 1090 log suraxit =>100*1090/1390 % = 78% 9,9,21 le]

When we talk about the protection from Covid-19 for 1 yr, then the equivalent EMS Doz for M+H+A = 0.51*1390/2 +440+300 = 350+440+300 = 1090 log suraxit =>100*1090/1390 % = 78% till 9.9.2021.

>>> Due to this, according to EMS: In case the 3rd wave would be, it will be very very feeble. However the cleanliness, 2m distance and Pranayam should continue.

** Ten mosT hiT kantreez aof da Arth aez aon 12.09.2021: (in rational English 'Inglish' with 50 leTTars). 

क्र.सं. Bhojpuri    Inglish [English] मरण/10 K देश Kantri Inglish [English] Deth/10k

1.  पेरू Peru [Peru] 59

2. हङ्गरी Hangari [Hungary] 31

3. बष्निया हरगोबिना Bosniaa Harzagobinaa 30

4. उ.मकडोनिया N.MekDoniaa [N.Macadonia] 30

5. सजेचिया Sjeciaa [Czechia] 28

6. जिब्राल्टर: Jibraaltar [Gibralter]   28

7. बुल्गारिया Bulgaariaa [Bulgaria] 28

8. मैंटेनिग्रो Montenegro [Montenegro] 27

9.. ब्राज़ील:    Braazil  [Brazil] 27

10. सान मारिनो Saan Marino [San Marino] 26

** Status of human deaths due to nCorona-19 as on 15.07.2021:

1. Country Deaths: 15.7.21. 12.09.21 (Worldometer)

2. Brazil 1552, 

3. Indonesia 982,

4. Russia 791,

5. India 544,

6. Clumbia 496,

7. Argentina 445,

8. South Africa 377,

9. USA 333,

10. Maxico 230,

Top 10 countries most affected. .

** Whatever written on this blog voluntarily in the interest of all, is without prejudice:

** Mahaamaari COVID-19 ke Rok aa Upcaar:

"Eclectic Medical System-D". 

"Eclectic Medical System-D"


 Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System", for the time being 

to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life, making her / him healthy 

and happy for long, adapting  

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA


Any other system like:

Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.

The Aim is to Save and Serve the People 

by providing the 'Most Suited Cure' for the 'Sick', for the time being; 

not merely keep-on, or stikking  with protecting,  any particular Medical System. 

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS 

is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

.... .... ..... See past Posts. 

** COVID-19: Prevension & Cure: EMS.** 

EMS: Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, MMS Korona Remedies: 

 All main 3 systems of EMS: 

now provide Prevention and Remedy of nCorona-Virus-19:

1. Homoeopathy: 

"Arsenicum Alb. 30c", mother Tinture" in use since March, 2020. Prevention and Remedy as prescribed by a Homoeopathic Dr or EMS Expert.

2. Aayurveda:

Patanjali.s "Coronil-Kit" dawaa: "Coronil, Swaasaari, Anu-tel". Since Feb/March 2021. .


** Yoga Guru Swami Ramdeva and Acharya Balakrishna of Patanjali, Found the 1st Made in India Ayurvedic medicine “Coronil” for Prevention & Cure of Deadly COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus.

Swamy Ramdeva claimed that zero % death rate was observed during the clinical trials of Coronil. 

> EMS-A: Coronil was launched in the 4th week of June 2020.

>> EMS: H: "Arsenicum alb 30c" liquid, is also the prevension and remedy for COVID-19, which must be taken under the advice of a Homoeopathic Dr or EMS expert.

>>> The above >1 and >>2 can be used both as preventive and curative remedy.

> Note that MMS has no remedy for any Virus, not even for the "Common Cold Virus".

MMS certainly have a number of Antibiotics. Steroids etc., which act on bacterial problems or as a booster.

>> On the other hand, Homoeopathy / Biochemic remedies completely cure a patient within a specified time period. More at previous posts on

>> The other main reason is EMS: 

"Eclectic Medical System-D" based on AHA: Ayurveda Homoeopathy Allopathy, and any other pathy, not only MMS as most countries do.

Lately AYUSH ministry allowed Patanjali "Coronil -Kit",  which has prooved 100% effisaacy on 100 Covid-19 sicks curing some within 4 days, athers within 7 days  and the rest within 14 days.


MMS: 'Modern Medical System', 

'the angle of attack' of which is merely 

'zero degree',

compared to '120 degree' of Homoeopathy, and 

"360 Degree" of Ayurveda and that too in different plains. More at .

MMS: "Modern Medical System" or Allopathy may be scientific of Level-3, which failed to cure a 'wound' in 27 days which was excisioned by an experienced MMS, every day's dressing and inserting  medicine soaked wigs and providing anti-biotics. 

> The same was cured within 2-3 hour to utmost 1 day by EMS: "Chandsi Dr" in Sheohar Dt. Bihar, India;  

this and many others like curing Acute Joundice by EMS just with 1 dose etc,  experiences led to EMS: 

"Eclectic Medical System - D":

The ethics of EMS is:  

"No particular Medical System is a cure for all

Ailments, thus never to stick to a particular System or Pathy, not even Ayurveda, 

adopt the best one, for the time being".

> For more go to the earlier posts of the above blog.

> Slogan:

For "Healthy, Happy & enjoyable Long Life" adopt

EMS: "Eclectic Medical System-D".

Note: "A sword cannot break or cut an atom or nucleus; which must be bombarded by 'a fast moving n or so' to break it, even according to 'Level-3 Science of nano-pico Technology', where as 'Homoeopathy' and 'rasa-bhasmas' of Ayurveda are based on  'Level - 4 Science'. 

For 'Levels of Science' one may go to the book: "Knowlegde Beyond nano-pico Technology" ISBN 978.1.304.300.27.0 at 

>>> IMA: Indian Medical Association writes to NCM: National Commission of Medicine against inclusion of Ayush medicine as a mandetary  1 week elective posting in any  one of the Ayush medicines in the Internship of MBBS.

*10. Cure of Common Cold: in 2h by Bio Chemic Ramedy by Sanatanarya Dr DD Sharma.

  "Common cold' FaTaak se Furrr~~" 

"Common cold' go, went, gone ...." 

For for details go to earlier posts.

*11. Bowing to 'Mata': 'The 7 Sisters'

Missles, smallbpox, Mamps, verities of Pox ... virus. Stop, stop and stop.

Indians: No no no no ... no Pox or Small pox, but 'Mata' aa 'Maai' i.e 'Mother: 7 Sisters'; but here 'Maataa' or 'Maai' is considered as 'Devi', or 'Devies' who are '7 Sisters' like:

1. 'BaRee Maataa', (Pox)

2. 'Majhalee Maai', (pox)

3. 'Chotee Maataa', (small Pox)

4. 'Kodawaa',  (misles)

5. 'Galsod', (mumps)

6. 'Pansahaa', (scrofula type, scrofuloderma, Skin Absesses) 

7. 'GanDau' (...)

> Names may differ, with language to language, and areas, regions or countries.

        But why people in India say 'Mata' or 'Maai', Mother; not Pox, Small pox, misles, mumps ....Who say? 

How can the viral disease be a 'Maata', 'Mother'?

Do you like to say pox, small-pox, misles, mumps ...

or like to say 'Maata', 'Mother', Maai, Maa?

For for details go to earlier posts.

*12. Curing High BP: by EMS.

*15. Living with HIV.

*16. Curing Cyst.

* 17. Treatment of 'Jalan', heet in stomack.  

*18. Preventing & Curing "Corona Virus-19, COVID-19". > is Taken on Priority on Waar FooTing as "nCorona 3rd World War".


Eclectic Medical System-D: Srishtyaabda: 13.09.9121

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