: COVID-19: Prevension & Cure :
"Eclectic Medical System-D". 02.01.2021
"Eclectic Medical System"
Simply: EMS
Samoocaa Sansaar ke jaanal Jaroori baa:
Mahaamaari COVID-19 ke Rok aa Upcaar
."Eclectic Medical System-D".
> Now after about 6 months comes:
"Eclectic Medical System-D"
Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System", for the time being
to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life, making her / him healthy
and happy for long, adapting
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA
Any other system like:
Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.
The Aim is to Save and Serve the People
by providing the 'Most Suited Cure' for the 'Sick', for the time being;
not merely keep-on, or stikking with protecting, any particular Medical System.
(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS
is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)
.... .... ..... See past Posts.
* 18. Preventing & Curing
"Corona Virus-19, COVID-19":
> is Taken on Priority on War FooTing as:
"nCorona 3rd World War":
'3rd World War' on
"Novel Corona Virus-19, COVID-19":
From March 2020
Originating from Wuhan's Canadian linked Reserch - Lab in China:
"Wuhan Institute on Virology", since the
"Novel Corona Virus-19, COVID-19" has spread throughout the world to over 200 countries.
> Look below to see how 1 826 520 persons have lost their lives due to Covid-19:
> In USA 3rd wave of dying continues,
> In Brazil 2nd death wave,
> In Mexico 3rd death wave,
> In Italy 2nd death wave,
> In UK 2nd death wave,
> In France 2nd death wave,
> In Russia 3rd death wave,
> In Iran 3rd death wave,
> In Spain 2nd death wave, continues
But in India, not so developed, only 1st wave is decreasing ... Why?
Sl. Kantri Deths Deth/M Populesan M > Max./De Deth: De
0. संसार विश्व: Sansaar WarlD 1826520 death, 234. 7820, > 11679: Deth 22.12.2020. baai nKoronaa / Wuhaan-Vaairas
1. सं.रा.अ YSA [USA] 354215, 1067, 331, > 1170 Deth 16.11.20.
Suru: StaarT: 1 Deth din: 3.3.20 DeT.
1sT Max: 2256. din: DeT: 21.4.20.
2nd Max: 1167 Deth/d din: 3.8.20. Min 706 Deth: 17.10.20.
3rD Max: 2479 Deth 12.12.20
2409 Deth/d DeT 12.12.20 dikreezing @ -70 Degree.
2. ब्राजील: Braazil [Brazil] 194976, 914, 146, >1sT.Max.1055 > 23.7.20.
Suru: StaarT: 1 Deth din: 19.3.20 DeT.
1sT Max: 1055. DeT: 23.7.20. Min 327:Deth DeT:8.11.20
639 Deth deT 11.12.2020 inkreezing @ 50 Degree.
3. भारत: Bhaarat Indiaa 149018, 107, 1380, >Max1166: 15-19.9.20.
Suru: StaarT: 1 Deth din: 22.3.20 DeT.
1sT Max: 1166. DeT: 15-19.9.20. 406: 12.12.2020 dikreezing -30 Degree
4. मैक्सिको Mexkiko [Mexico] 125807, 971, 142, > Max 800: 28.6.20
Suru: StaarT: 1 Deth din: 25.3.20 DeT.
1sT Max: 827. DeT: 28.6.20. Min 588 Deth 4.8.20
2nD Max: 733 DeT: 13.8.20. Min. 295: 13.10.20
584 Deth din: DeT: 10.12.20. inkreezing 50 Degree
5. इटली ITali [Italy] 74159, 1227, 60, > Max 809: 31.3.20.
Suru: StaarT: 8 Deth din: 29.2.20 DeT.
1sT Max: 809. DeT: 31.3.20. Min. 6: 22.8.20
2nD Max: 728 Deth/d din: 28.11.20
655 Deths 10.12.20 Dikreezing -70 Degree.
6. बर्तानिआ YK [UK] 73512, 1080, 68, Max 943: 14.4.20.
Suru: StaarT: 1 Deth din: 10.3.20 DeT.
1sT Max: 943 Deth din: DeT: 14.4.20. Min.10: 10- 25.8.20.
2nD Max 467 Deth din: DeT: 27.11.20.
412 Deths Dicreasing @ -45 Degree.
7. फ्रांस: Fraansa [France] 64632, 989 > Max 976: 8.4.20.
Suru: StaarT: 1 Deth din: 4.3.20 DeT.
1sT Max: 976. DeT: 8.4.20. Min. 9: 11-12.8.20
2nD Max: 631 Deth din: DeT: 18.11.20.
407 Deths/De DeT 28.11.20 Dikreasing @ 45 Deg.
8. Rus Rassiaa [Russia] 57019, 391, 146, 443 >24.11.20
Suru: StaarT: 4 Deth din: 29.3.20 DeT.
1sT Max: 175. DeT: 1.6.20. Min. 135 Deth 25.6.20
2nD Max: 166. DeT: 10,7.20 Min 89-99 Deth DeT 21.8- 8.9.20.
464 Deth DeT: 27.11.20 inkreezing @ 75 Deg.
9. ईरान: Iraan [Iran] 55223, 653, 84, >Max 473: 20.11.20
Suru: StaarT: 2 Deth din: 25.2.20 DeT.
1sT Max: 136. DeT: 26.3.20-135: 9.4.20 FlaT Min: 53. 18.5.20 - 55: 11.9.20 Flat
2nD Max: 216: DeT: 28.7.20. Min 110: 1.9.20
3rD Max: 471 Deths/De din: 21.11.20
290 Deths/De DeT 11.12.20 Dikreezing @ 80 Degree.
10. स्पेन: Spen [Spain] 50837, 1087, 87, >Max866: 03.4.20
Suru: StaarT: 13 Deth din: 9.3.20 DeT.
1sT Max: 866. DeT: 3.4.20. Min. 2 Deth 25.6.-31.7.20
2nD Max 298: Deth/De din: 26.11.20.
177 Deth/De DeT 12.12.2020 Dikreezing @ -45 Deg.
But in India, not so developed, only 1st wave is decreasing ... Why?
> It is the vast majority of people of India who follow PM Narendra Modi, who always whole heartedly thinks for the good of one & all.
>> The other main reason is EMS:
"Eclectic Medical System-D" based on AHA: Ayurveda Homoeopathy Allopathy, and any other pathy, not only MMS as most countries do, excluding countries like China.
Look how AH of EMS has helped Indians to minimise the death rate due to Covid-19 or Koronaa-19 Mahaamaaree:
A: Ayurveda: With Guruci, Haldi-dudh, tulsi, daalcini, pepper, madhu, onion and Yoga etc, Aayurved provides lot of immunisation against viruses.
H: Homoeopathy: There are a number of remedies in Homoeopathy to resist and cure viruses.
Observing tne Simptoms of Covid-19, one of the most suited preventive is
"Arsenicum alb 30 c" Mother Tincture: which when taken empty stomac in the morning for 3-days continueously as prescribed by a Homoeopath or PEMS, prevents nCorona.
Millions of persons have taken this remedy have taken /are taking it in India personally. with or without A to prevent Covid-19; althugh under the pressure of MMS: GOI did not allow it.
It looks, lately AYUSH ministry has some how allowed it, presumebly due to pressure from PM!!
MMS: 'Modern Medical System',
'the angle of attack' of which is merely
'zero degree',
compared to '120 degree' of Homoeopathy, and
"360 Degree" of Ayurveda and that too in different plains. More at www.eclecticmedicalsystem.blogspot.com .
MMS: "Modern Medical System" or Allopathy may be scientific of Level-3, which failed to cure a 'wound' in 27 days which was excisioned by an experienced MMS, every day's dressing and inserting wigs and anti-biotics.
> The same was cured within 2-3 hour to utmost 1 day by EMS: "Chandsi Dr" in Sheohar Dt. India;
this and many others like curing Acute Joundice by EMS just with 1 dose etc, experiences led to EMS: "Eclectic Medical System - D":
The ethics of EMS is:
"No particular Medical System is cure for all
ailments, thus never to stick to a particular System or Pathy, not even Ayurveda, adopt the best one, for the time being".
> For more go to the earlier posts of the above blog.
> Slogan:
For "Healthy, Happy & enjoyable Long Life" adopt
EMS: "Eclectic Medical System-D".
We hope:
Let MMS find a ramedy for COVID-19, till then
EMS as the 'preventive medicine of Corona Virus-19' recommends:
(1) Arsenicum alb-30 c
to be taken 5 drops for an edult, empty stomack for 3-days as recommended by an EMS Expert or Homoeopath.
> The above preventive can also be taken as the Cure of nCorona-19 under the guidence of a Homoeopath.
** Let us compare:
A: Ayurveda, H: Homoeopathy, C: Covishield:
as Preventive Vaccines against nCorona-19: As on 02.01.2021
Sl . Description A H C
1. Availability since: 3.2020, 3.2020, -
2. Prevension for: - , 1.5 month, ?
3. Efficacy: ? , 99.9%, 95%
4. Safe Temp. Ambient, 30 D C, 2 to 8 C
5. Price various, Negble, R 1000?
Note: "A sword, or Bomb can not break or cut an atom or nucleus; which must be bombarded by 'a fast moving n or so' to break it, even according to 'Level-3 Science of nano-pico Technology', where as 'Homoeopathy' and 'rasa-bhasmas' of Ayurveda are based on 'Level - 4 Science'.
For 'Levels of Science' one may go to the book: "Knowlegde Beyond nano-pico Technology" ISBN 978.1.304.300.27.0 at www.scribd.com.
> www.eclecticmedicalsystem.blogspot.com
Look below a past Post, how THE LIVES OF 2500 Asthma Sufferers were saved in a village by the writer in 1954-55:
*8. Curing Sufferers of a Village of about 2500 population by Asthma: by EMS by 15-16 yr old Brahmchaari Sanatanarya DD Sharma: During 1954-56 they used to live 35 to 42 yrs. Now since 90s they live for 70 - 80 yrs. (for more go to previous posts of the blog).
You will see such situation was created by excessive
taking of 'garlic' which contains 'Arsenic' causing 'Asthma'.
However, the same 'Arsenic' can be and is the remedy of 'Asthma' when taken as Homoeo-remedy.
> COVID-19 also has breathing symptom, thus a remedy.
** Some Specific Case History of Sufferers: With Curing by "Eclectic Medical System-D", EMS:
*1. Look how a "Lever Abssess" is cured by EMS: By Dr Basu, MD, MMS:
For details go to earlier Posts.
*2. Cure of a "Sufferer of regular throat coughing", dry coughing since 1.5 yr without chest congestion": is cured by EMS by Dr DD Sharma:
For details go to earlier Posts.
*3. Cure of Gland Problem: By EMS by Late Dr Ganguli, Raniganj, WB, India, Homoeopatic Gland & Cancer Specialist. no permanent cure by MMS but by Homoeopathy, Permanent cure.
For details go to earlier Posts
*4. EMS: For "Asal Praakritik Pariwaar Niyojan"
"Real Natural Family Planning": with Genetic Engineering & Ayurveda:
For details go to earlier Posts
*5. Cure of Acute Jaundice: by EMS: This case is of Prime Impotance for all Parents / persons.
For details go to earlier Posts.
*6. Cure of 8 Yr old Asthma: by EMS by Sanatanarya Dr DD Sharma:
After 2 months, he stopped applying ghee. Thus, he was free from Asthma after 8 years suffering with MMS medicines just within a few months..
For details go to earlier Posts.
*7. Cure of 'White Patches', Leucoderma: by EMS: Homoeopathy and Ayurved by Sanatanarya Dr DD Sharma.
For details go to earlier Posts.
*8. Curing Sufferers of a Village of about 2500 population by Asthma: by EMS by 15-16 yr old Sanatanarya DD Sharma: During 1954-56 they used to live 35 to 42 yrs. Now since 90s they live for 70 - 80 yrs.
For for details go to earlier posts.
* 9. Cure of 3/4 Month old Asthma by MMS within 3 days: by Sanatanarya DD Sharma with the guidence of an MMS Physician.
For for details go to earlier posts.
*10. Cure of Common Cold: in 2h by Bio Chemic Ramedy by Sanatanarya Dr DD Sharma.
"Common cold' FaTaak se Furrr~~"
"Common cold' go, went, gone ...."
For for details go to earlier posts.
*11. Bowing to 'Mata': 'The 7 Sisters'
Missles, smallbpox, Mamps, verities of Pox ... virus. Stop, stop and stop.
Indians: No no no no ... no Pox or Small pox, but 'Mata' aa 'Maai' i.e 'Mother: 7 Sisters'; but here 'Maataa' or 'Maai' is considered as 'Devi', or 'Devies' who are '7 Sisters' like:
1. 'BaRee Maataa', (Pox)
2. 'Majhalee Maai', (pox)
3. 'Chotee Maataa', (small Pox)
4. 'Kodawaa', (misles)
5. 'Galsod', (mumps)
6. 'Pansahaa', (scrofula type, scrofuloderma, Skin Absesses)
7. 'GanDau' (...)
> Names may differ, with language to language, and areas, regions or countries.
But why people in India say 'Mata' or 'Maai', Mother; not Pox, Small pox, misles, mumps ....Who say?
How can the viral disease be a 'Maata', 'Mother'?
Do you like to say pox, small-pox, misles, mumps ...
or like to say 'Maata', 'Mother', Maai, Maa?
For for details go to earlier posts.
12. Curing High BP: by EMS.
*15. Living with HIV.
*16. Curing Cyst.
* 17. Treatment of 'Jalan', heet in stomack.
*18. Preventing & Curing "Corona Virus-19, COVID-19". > is Taken on Priority on Waar FooTing as "nCorona 3rd World War".
Eclectic Medical System-D: Sristyaabda: 03.10.1 972 949 120.
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