Monday 29 August 2016

11.06.9116 "Eclectic Medical System-D" EMS 29.08.2016 > For "8 Yr Old Asthma"

11.06.9116 "Eclectic Medical System-D"

EMS 29.08.2016 > For "8 Yr Old Asthma" by

"Eclectic Medical System" 
Simply: EMS 

Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System" 
to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life making her / him healthy
and happy for long, adapting  
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA
Any other system like:
Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.

The Aim is to Save and Serve the People 
by providing the Most Suited Cure for the Sick;
not merely protecting any particular Medical System.

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS
Is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

....                                ....                                .....       See past Posts.

Some Specific Case History of Sufferers: With Curing by "Eclectic Medical System-D", EMS: 
*1. Next look how a "Lever Abssess" is cured by         EMS:  By Dr Basu, MD, MMS: For details go to      earlier Posts.

*2. Cure of a "Sufferer of regular throat      coughing", dry coughing since 1.5 yr without chest congestion":  is cured by   EMS: For details go to earlier Posts.

*3. Cure of Gland Problem: By MMS by Dr Ganguli, Homoeopatic Gland & Cancer Specialist. no permanent cure by MMS but by Homoeopathy, Permanent cure. For details go to earlier Posts

*4.  EMS: For "Asal Praakritik Pariwaar Niyojan"
        "Real Natural Family Planning": with Genetic Engineering & Ayurveda: For details go to earlier Posts

*5. Cure of Acute Jaundice: by EMS: This case is of Prime Impotance for all Parents.
        For details go to earlier Posts.

*5. Cure of 8 Yr old Asthma: by EMS:
        A young Civil Engineering Graduate came to the writer of these lines for getting guidance  for employment. But I found he was badly suffering with asthma.
        Next day when he requested me to help / guide for getting a job.
        I told him: You are a Civil Engineer and you can easily get a job in any reputed firm building roads, bridges, multy story towers under construction; but how could you work in dusty atmosphere suffering so much with Asthma, 'damaa' .....
On my saying: "I can cure your Asthma problem witin 1 to 2 months, in case he did whatever I say religiously".
He said, "He had tried several years treatment in reputed MMS hospitals, but in vain. How could you cure me within 1 to 2 months".
I told him, "Haa`th kangan ko r C kyaa? In case you do whatever I say, you will feel cured just within a week, but you have to continue the treat ment for 1 to 2 Months to perfectly cure it."
The boy got convinced and said, "I am ready to do whatever you say."
I said, "Your treatement will start from tomorrow morning. Be ready sharp at 5.45 am."  ...
Next day both of us came out and walked to a KhaTaal of a milk man.
I requested the milkman to draw 2kg milk from a healthy cow in front of us. He agreed.
We took 2kg milk and came to my residence, requesting my wife to prepare curd from the milk without mixing any other milk in it.
Rest we talk tomorrow.
*6. Cure of 'White Patches', Leucoderma: by MMS & EMS: To follow:
Eclectic Medical System-D: 29.08.2016

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