Monday 25 April 2016

03.02.9116 "Eclectic Medical System-D"

EMS 25.04.2016

"Eclectic Medical System"
"Eclectic Medical"

Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System"
to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life making her / him healthy
and happy for long, adapting
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA
Any other system like:
Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.

The Aim is to Save and Serve the People
by providing the Most Suited Cure for the Sick;
not merely protecting any particular Medical System.

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS
Is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

27.09.9115 “Eclectic Medical System-D” EMS:

=>  The best of all Medical Systems, as required by the Sick, for the time being, “Eclectic Medical System-D” or ‘EMS’ recommends normally the use of:
AHA: Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Allopathy, .... since:
No Medical System, probably not even ‘Ayurveda’ is complete in itself with the ‘Vision’ or ‘Angle of Attack’ of 360 degree that too in different planes, where as the vision of ‘Modern Medical System’ MMS is merely 0 degree as it acts 1:1 manner, and Homoeopathy with 120 degree anle of attach.

>> What is almost impossible to cure a sickness for a particular medical sustem, can be cured practically effortlessly inexpensively in no time by adopting some other suitable medical system.
For more: Goto “Eclectic Medical System-D” on or on “Eclectic Medical System” Group on


Thus: The b$ suggestion to the "Guardian of a Patient" who has to take a decision at the most critical juncture, when a Medical system in use  looks ineffective.
ð Never stick to any particular medical system, as most governments do worldwide, for "Healthy, Happy & Enjoyable Long Life".
ð Feel free to use ‘EMS’
ð The barometer of EMS is Palmistry or "Indian Saamudrik Shashtra" or the writings on one's
1. Palm, 2. Fingers, 3. Three Rings before palm, 4. Foot, 5. Forehead.
No person dealing with the life of a person can ignore “Saamudrik Shaashtra, or Panchangam” called in India and popularly known as ‘Palmistry’ WW; which is the Nature’s Way of depicting the ‘Status of a Person’ for the sake of pre-alerting the person. The study of the Nature is the major aspect of Science. Palmistry or ‘Panchangam’ which have nothing to do with Grahas, Naxatras and 'Falit Jyotis' Astrology as many belief.

For more: refer the book entitled “Palmistry as Science and Technology” by Deo Sharma, Dr Deo Dutta Sharma

** The Modern Medical Science, MMS also known as Allopathy has developed as an ultimate Remedy for all sickness, but in reality it may not be so, all know it is ineffective in flues, piles, eczema, leaucoderma, cancer, asthma, epilepsy, and so on. MMS is temporarily effective in controlling BP and sugar. The main reason being: MMS has "Zero degree Angle of Attack" i.e. 1:1 line of treatment.
Man or Human i.e. “Human Machine” is a ‘Complex Natural Device’ which degrades aging and with regular uses and abuses made by the concerned person to which it belongs.

**  Homoeopathy: one of the most advanced medical system, has at least "120 degree Vision" i.e. one medicine for many sicknesses.

** Ayurveda: Ayu + Veda => ’The Knowledge of (healthy, happy) long-life’ is really not simply a medical system in the sense that its Aim is "Healthy happy & enjoyable Long Life" of a person. Its ‘Angle of Attack’ is "360 degree in different planes"
** Dr Sharma knows: A person may live even at about 70-100 K  temperature and live for 100 to 200 yrs or even more when the temperature is reduced slowly properly. Siyacin Glacier has 210 - 250 K temperature only. For more go to “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology”
ISBN: 978.1.304.30027.0 at

*** Next look how a "Lever Abssess" is  cured by EMS:
The writer had suffered with accute  "Lever Abssess" with severe  pains in 1956 without any previous indication.
Dr Basu, MD was consulted who diagnosed and recommended  ramedial medicines. for a week; costing about USD 196.
Next week repeat, but with little relief, but with USD 200.
Third week: The patient said: He was a poor fellow, how can he  afford! That too without much relief.
Dr Basu said: There  one solution. When I asked, what was the solution? The Dr said: "No no, it was not for you."
When the patiend repeatedly requested, Dr Basu said: Whether he could take 'onion'.
He replied: Why not?
Dr Basu surprisingly got up from his chair!! Dr Basu was a family Dr, he knew nobody in the family of the patient used to take non-veg and onion or garlic, the latter 2 being 'Taamasi Food' were  prohibited in the family.
The patient said when he was injected 'Cord Lever Oil', why cann't Onion.
Surprisingly the Dr took the prescription and said: No need to take those medicins. He cut all but a few one was continued costing just USD 2.
>>> Dr Basu recommended to take '1 raw uncooked onion' after pealing off and biting without mixing salt, lemon or any thing except cooked rice and pulse:
>> Next week the patien said to the Dr: He was feeling much better, he could walk about 700 - 800 m unstopped. This week all the medicines were stopped, except taking  'onion' twice.  The Dr also said that he continue to 1 Onion every 10 -12 days for good life.
When the Patient heard about 'onion', he recalled that in book "Bhaav Prakaash", 'materia medica of Aayurved' only one thing is called 'Amritaa' and that is 'onion'.
Surprisingly! what a confidence of Dr Basu, Muzaffarpur, India 'on the curing effect of onion'!!!
This is the miracle of EMS, "Eclectic Medical System-D".

*** Cure of a "Sufferer of throat  coughing, dry coughing since  last 1.5 yr without chest congestion":
1.  Case History: A woman of 72 yr took sour curd  before starting a jurney as an onus about 1.5 years  ago. She tried MMS medicines consulting a qualified  and well experienced Heart & Chest MD for about 1- 2 months. There was little relief, rather dry- coughing  increased and she discontinued the  treatment; still bearing with pain while coughing.
She took some Homoeopathik medicines for 2 to 3 months which loosened coughing to the great releif from pain. She continued it for over 1yr.
She then came to an EMS expert. He got examined whether there was  chest congestion. Chest was found clean. But such continued throat  problem might become Cancerous, when left uncured.
The EMS expert told her to take the prescribed ramedy for 8-10 days with which she might feel completey cured; but to permanently cure her, she had to continue withe the ramedy for about 1 month. She ahreed.

25.04.2016 Eclectic Medical System-D: EMS

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