"Eclectic Medical System-D"
15.01.2024 /
"EklekTik MeDikal Sistem-D"
"Eclectic Medical System"
Simply: EMS
"Eclectic Medical System-D" /
"EklekTik MeDikal SisTem"
[dis iz in 21sT. Sencuri Inglish
> Eni problem! OK]
EMS Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System"
to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life making her / him healthy
and happy for long, adapting
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy: AHA
Any other system / method like:
Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.
The Aim is to Save and Serve the People
by providing the Most Suited Cure for the Sick;
not merely protecting any particular Medical System.
(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS
Is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)
.... .... ..... See past Posts.
Today only / TuDe onli:
"For Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life" /
"Faor Haeppi Heldi Enjvaaebla Laong Laaif" /
"Prasanna Swath Ahlaadit deergh Jeevan khaatir".
Hu Dazn'T wish! a
"Haeppi, Heldi, Enjoaaebla Laong Laaif"!
BaT Haau?
Goto www.biographyofmrsritasharma.blogspot.com
Faor mo~r sii bilo da besik Diffarensa biTween AHA: /
For more see below the besic difference between AHA: Ayurveda, Homoeopathy & Allopathy (MMS):
In Aayurveda: Parsons kaen bi aof 3 kaainDs:
Eec Parson kaen bi aof Vaatik, Pittik aor Kafaik necar, ekkaorDingli deyar TreeTmenT Me bi in 3-DiffarenT maennar aor medisins.
In Homoeopathi:
Eec parson kaen bi aof hiz/ har o~n kaainD, daeT Too faor som perioD DipenDing ao da "SimpToms" aof da elmenT.
A. Deli RuTeen / Daily Routine:
> Get up before 6am or Sunrise whichear is the first.
> Do very light exersise on the bed itself.
> After ablusion do some Yoga including Simple Pranaayaam like Anulom - Vilom i.e. long inhalation & Exhelation jast 5 cycles,
> Soorya Namaskar!
> Take vegiterian break-faast, lunch & Dinner.
Avoide taking sower items.
> Make some friends children, young & old gossip but no lies.
> Do some walking every day.
B. FaainD whedar Yu haev a Vaatik, Pittik aor Kafaik Parson: baai aobzarving da 3-rings jasT bilo yor paam: LefT if yu aar a Fimel, raaT inkes aof a Mela. /
Find wheather You are Vaatic, Pittic or Kafaik Person, by observing the 3 rings just bilow your palm: LefT if you are a Fimale, Right in case of Male.
> Yu Me faainD 3-ring laaik laains; / You may find 3-ring like lines:
>> da miDDla van iz Kaf lain. / The middle one is Cough or Fat-Line.
>> da van TuwaarDs da fingars iz da Pitt-Laain. /
The one towards the fingers iz the Pitta-line.
>> da 3rD. van iz Vaat Laain. /
The 3rd. one is Vaat-line.
In kes: / In case:
>>> da Kaf laain iz prominenT & kanTiniuas:
Yu aar Kafayik & AerisTokraeTik parson.
> EeT less FaeTTi aaTems faor gooD helTh. /
The Cough-line is prominant & continuous: You are a Coughic & Aristrocratic person.
> Eat less Fatty items for good health.
>>> Pitta-line is stronger, you are Pittik and have less control on yor fealings, anger etc.
> Eat less spices, Masaalaas.
>>> The Vaati person are more calm & peaceful.
> Eat less acidic items for good health.
C. Adopt EMS, never stic to any particular medical system.
Take minimum MMS: Medicines whic kill not onli Bacteria but harm body organs also.
D. Keep yourself busy doing some routine work good to all including yourself.
> Never do illegal things.
> Be Truthful in Speec & deed. / Bi Truthful in speec & DeeD.
> Speak lies minimum. It will make you stronger in every respect.
> Count the lies /month to reduse it.
E. Abov all, Learn to love & respect one & all, and practise to be happy ever. Keep smiling, laughing.
> Do not be afread of when you are Truthful.
** EMS has shown above 5-Basic Pathas for:
"Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life" /
"Haeppi Heldi Enjvaaebla Laong Laaif" /
Prasanna Swath Ahlaadit deergh Jeevan.
>> Ho~ps da reedars wuD bi benifiTTeD baai guing thru whaaT aar seD above. [You are reading in Inglish with 1+ 50 Romon LeTTars.]
> da raaiTar aof da abov Aartikla,
Dr Deo Dutta Sharma, 85 Yr koming fraom
"The House of Vedas & Ayurveda" iz aon EMS fraom CaailDhooD aend haez nevar been HospiTalaaizD exepT 3-Dez, a kampalsari van baai da Emplvaayar faor a Jeneral Cekap, MECON Ltd.
** Dr Sharmaa STaarTeD Teking "Coronaa EMS Homoeopaethik Vaxin sinsa 21.3.2020.
Dr Sharmaa arliar yuzD Tu geT effekteD baai kaommon KolD vans in 3 Tu 4 months.
BaT hi waaz naoT affekeTeD iven vans, baai da sem sins teking da da EMS Vaexin.
Eclectic Medical System-D: 15.01.2024