Monday, 6 May 2024

Faor Haeppi, Heldi, Enjoaaebla Laong Laaif: EMS 6.5.2024

EMS: Eclectic Medical System-d


* No~T daeT: no Medikal SisTem iz da kyor faor aol da saffarings / ElmenTs.

** WhaaT iz inkyurebla baai van sisTem, kaen bi kyorD  eezili in no Taaim baai aenadar sisTem.


> Das, nevar sTik Tu ani SisTem iven aafTar giving feyar Traayal Taaim.

> Tek da help aof EMS ExparT hu iz Naolejebla aof aeT leesT  2 aof AHA: एलोपैथी Allopathi, होम्योपैथी Homoeopathi, आयुर्वेद Aayurveda.

Friday, 12 April 2024

EMS: Aim / E~m.

 EMS: "Eclectic Medical System-d"

Encompasses "Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Allopathy, ..." to cure the ailment and save the patient as needed using whichever system is required, without protecting any particular system.

> This is required since no particular system is the cure for all ailments.

> Years ago all these are explained in detail, still the same is being repeated in viu of the fact that IMA where hardly any qualified Ayurveda वैद्य, Homoeopaeth is presenT, is trying to degrade the same, with the

age old 1954 Rule made under that government whic was the blind follower of

 whatever was "English"!!


EMS 12.04.2024

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

"Eclectic Medical System-D" 15.01.2024 / "EklekTik MeDikal Sistem-D" :EMS

 "Eclectic Medical System-D"

15.01.2024 / 

"EklekTik MeDikal Sistem-D"


"Eclectic Medical System" 

Simply: EMS 

"Eclectic Medical System-D" /

"EklekTik MeDikal SisTem"

[dis iz in 21sT. Sencuri Inglish 

> Eni problem! OK]

 EMS Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System" 

to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life making her / him healthy 

and happy for long, adapting  

Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy: AHA


Any other system / method like:

Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.

The Aim is to Save and Serve the People 

by providing the Most Suited Cure for the Sick; 

not merely protecting any particular Medical System. 

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS 

Is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

.... .... ..... See past Posts.

Today only  / TuDe onli:

"For Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life" /

"Faor Haeppi Heldi Enjvaaebla Laong Laaif" /

"Prasanna Swath Ahlaadit deergh Jeevan khaatir".

Hu Dazn'T wish! a 

"Haeppi, Heldi, Enjoaaebla Laong Laaif"! 

BaT Haau? 


Faor mo~r sii bilo da besik Diffarensa biTween AHA: /

For more see below the besic difference between AHA: Ayurveda, Homoeopathy & Allopathy (MMS):

In Aayurveda: Parsons kaen bi  aof 3 kaainDs:

Eec Parson kaen bi aof Vaatik, Pittik aor Kafaik necar, ekkaorDingli deyar TreeTmenT Me bi in 3-DiffarenT maennar aor medisins. 

In Homoeopathi: 

Eec parson kaen bi aof hiz/ har o~n kaainD, daeT Too faor som perioD DipenDing ao da "SimpToms" aof da elmenT. 

A. Deli RuTeen / Daily Routine:

> Get up before 6am or Sunrise whichear is the first.

> Do very light exersise on the bed itself.

> After ablusion do some Yoga including Simple Pranaayaam like Anulom - Vilom i.e. long inhalation & Exhelation jast 5 cycles, 

> Soorya Namaskar! 

> Take vegiterian break-faast, lunch & Dinner. 

Avoide taking sower items.

> Make some friends children, young & old gossip but  no lies. 

> Do some walking every day.   

B. FaainD whedar Yu haev a Vaatik, Pittik aor Kafaik Parson: baai aobzarving da 3-rings jasT bilo yor paam: LefT if yu aar a Fimel, raaT inkes aof a Mela. /

Find wheather You are Vaatic, Pittic or Kafaik Person, by observing the 3 rings just bilow your palm: LefT if you are a Fimale, Right in case of Male. 

> Yu Me faainD 3-ring laaik laains; / You may find 3-ring like lines: 

>> da miDDla van iz Kaf  lain. / The middle one is Cough or Fat-Line.

>> da van TuwaarDs da fingars iz da Pitt-Laain. /

The one towards the fingers iz the Pitta-line.

>> da 3rD. van iz Vaat Laain.  /

The 3rd. one is Vaat-line. 

In kes: / In case:

>>>  da Kaf laain iz prominenT & kanTiniuas:

Yu aar Kafayik & AerisTokraeTik parson.

> EeT less FaeTTi aaTems faor gooD helTh.  /

The Cough-line is prominant & continuous: You are a Coughic & Aristrocratic person.

> Eat less Fatty items for good health.

>>> Pitta-line is stronger, you are Pittik and have less control on yor fealings, anger etc. 

> Eat less spices, Masaalaas.

>>> The Vaati person are more calm & peaceful.

> Eat less acidic items for good health.

 C. Adopt EMS, never stic to any particular medical system.

Take minimum MMS: Medicines whic kill not onli Bacteria but harm body organs also.

D. Keep yourself busy doing some routine work good to all including yourself. 

> Never do illegal things.

> Be Truthful in Speec & deed.   /  Bi Truthful in speec & DeeD.

> Speak lies minimum. It will make you stronger in every respect. 

> Count the lies /month to reduse it.

E. Abov all, Learn to love & respect one & all,  and practise to be happy ever. Keep smiling, laughing.

> Do not be afread of when you are Truthful.

** EMS has shown above 5-Basic Pathas for:

"Happy Heathy Enjoyable Long Life" /

"Haeppi Heldi Enjvaaebla Laong Laaif" /

Prasanna Swath Ahlaadit deergh Jeevan.

>> Ho~ps da reedars wuD bi benifiTTeD baai guing thru whaaT aar seD above. [You are reading in Inglish with 1+  50 Romon LeTTars.]

> da raaiTar aof da abov Aartikla, 

Dr Deo Dutta Sharma, 85 Yr koming fraom 

"The House of Vedas & Ayurveda" iz aon EMS fraom CaailDhooD aend haez nevar been HospiTalaaizD exepT 3-Dez, a kampalsari van baai da Emplvaayar faor a Jeneral Cekap, MECON Ltd.


** Dr Sharmaa STaarTeD Teking "Coronaa EMS Homoeopaethik Vaxin sinsa 21.3.2020.

Dr Sharmaa arliar yuzD Tu geT effekteD baai kaommon KolD vans in 3 Tu 4 months.

BaT hi waaz naoT affekeTeD iven vans, baai da sem sins teking da da EMS Vaexin.


Eclectic Medical System-D: 15.01.2024