Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Welcome 7-Mata Coming soon. 09.11.9117 "Eclectic Medical System-D" EMS 10.01.2018

Welcome 7-Mata Coming soon.
09.11.9117 "Eclectic Medical System-D"

EMS 10.01.2018 

> For " Pranaam 7 Maai ke 
Bowing to 'Mata': 7 Matas" by 

"Eclectic Medical System" 
Simply: EMS 

You all have to wait for the arrival of 'Mata' in early 2018. Yes, Mothers are coming truely.
Yes 'Mothers of all'.
Nor 1, 2 or 3, but 7 'Matas' in all.
Would you be able to identify 
> Who are Mothers!!!

Encompasses the use of the best suited "Medical System" 
to the Sick so as to cure the patient and save the life making her / him healthy 
and happy for long, adapting  
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and or Allopathy, AHA
Any other system like:
Chandasi, Naturopathy, Herbs etc.

The Aim is to Save and Serve the People 
by providing the Most Suited Cure for the Sick; 
not merely protecting any particular Medical System. 

(This “Eclectic Medical System-D” or EMS 
Is not the same as ‘The Eclectic Medical System’ or ‘The Eclectic Medical Science’ which was in vogue in USA in 18th / 19th Centuries and was closed by the USA Government sometimes around 1945 CE.)

.... .... ..... See past Posts.

Some Specific Case History of Sufferers: With Curing by "Eclectic Medical System-D", EMS:  

*1. Look how a "Lever Abssess" is cured by  EMS:  By Dr Basu, MD, MMS: 
For details go to earlier Posts.

*2. Cure of a "Sufferer of regular throat coughing", dry coughing since 1.5 yr without chest congestion":  is cured by  EMS: 
For details go to earlier Posts.

*3. Cure of Gland Problem: By MMS by Dr Ganguli, Homoeopatic Gland & Cancer Specialist. no permanent cure by MMS but by Homoeopathy, Permanent cure. 
For details go to earlier Posts

*4. EMS: For "Asal Praakritik Pariwaar Niyojan" 
"Real Natural Family Planning": with Genetic Engineering & Ayurveda: 
For details go to earlier Posts

*5. Cure of Acute Jaundice: by EMS: This case is of Prime Impotance for all Parents.
For details go to earlier Posts.

*6. Cure of 8 Yr old Asthma: by EMS: 
After 2 moths he stopped applying ghee. Thus, he was free from Asthma after 8 years suffering with MMS medicines.
For details go to earlier Posts.
*7. Cure of 'White Patches', Leucoderma: by EMS: Homoeopathy and Ayurved.
For details go to earlier Posts.
*8. Curing Sufferers of a Village of about 2500 population by Asthma: by EMS: 
For for details go to earlier posts.

9. Cure of 3/4 Month Asthma by MMS within 3 days:
> Yes, 3 to 4 months Asthma was cured, and can be cured within 3 to 4 days by MMS when properly diagnosed, on the basis of Ayurvedic studies of a decade.
> Hope the wise readers might have already  got the clue from some earlier post.
> However, I give below a case for the sure cure of Asthma by MMS.

9.1 Once my eldest Sister came to us who was herself was Ayurveda Shaastree and had been a Vaidyaa in the State Government Hospital. 
Just after a day of her stay, I observed that she couldn't sleep the last night due to continueous coughing. I was a B. Sc student then.
In the morning, I asked her why she was so coughing?
She said, "This coughing started some 3 to 4 months ago. Looks, I am suffering from the big disease."
I said, "No, not atall. You are suffering from Asthma." 
She kept quite seeing my point. In fact she had lost her husband due to TB, thus her doubt was obvious.
I said,"Look, how I would cure you within a week."
She smiled and said, "Hope to be like that."
I was sure, my strategy would work well with my experience of 'garlik' in village Dubiaahee`, as described in my earlier posts at this site.
9.2 Next day I took my sister suffering from Asthma since last 2 to 3 months to an MMS Docter and requeted him to to provide my sister suffering from Asthma a few normal dose of some common medicine containing Arsenic either in tablet or in injection form.
He entertained a an injection to my sister and told me to come a day after tomorrow. She has to take 3 injections alternate days.
9.3 Next morning when i aske my sister how she was, she replied that she has slept last night after 2 months.
I became very happy to here it.
She was 95% cured of Asthma in one day by one injection.
9.4 The 2 remaining injections were also entertained as suggested by the MMS Docter.
The docter thanked me to letting him know a new medicine for Asthma. .
10. Cure of Common Cold: in 2h  
 "Common cold' FaTaak se Furrr~~" 
"Common cold' go, went, gone ...." 
> When get attacked by common cold virus, 
* the person starts sneeging again and again,
* water starts flowing through the person's nose and tears start flowing,
* Virus penetrates in, and due to nose clogging head-ache starts ....
> MMS Doctor likes to kill the virus, but fails. 
Winner becomes the virus, 
* The MMS Dr attacks with Vicse etc > some relif, but the virus  further penetrates in her/him,
* MMS provides a drug to subside headache, some relief.
> But the penetrated cold-virus lingers for 5-8 days as they had got penetrated and spread. 

> Vaidya ji: 
When the 'common cold virus' attacks a person with above mentioned simptoms, and the person goes to 'Ayurvedik Vaidya ji', he just asked the suffer, "Do you take raw onion often?"
The person replied, "No."
"Well, you go home or a shop and take an 'raw onion' of about 2 cm to 3 cm diameter biting by teeth; the cold will be 'FaTaak se furrr~~' ; no  salt, no lemon etc, just 'raw onion'. 
repeat the 'onion' once more after dinner." 
The sufferer follows: The 'cold virus' does not like the 'pungent smell of raw onion', and decides to go away from the person. 'FaTaak se furrr~~' 

> Another 'common cold sufferer' goes to a Homoeopathic Doctor: The doctor prescribes the person 'Biochemic Combination Tablet No. 6' and provides the medicine saying: Just take 4-tabs now, after 2-hours take 4 more tabs, the 'cold will be Furrr...'; may repeat the medicine half an hour after after dinner; then no more medicine. Do not take any thing before and after taking medicine.

* The sufferer was free from the virus, and fit just after 2 hours. He was under the attack of 'cold virus' but they got killed and or left the person for ever.
>>> This is ...    'FaTaak se furrr~~' 
This 'FaTaak se furrr~~' Common cold topic is complete now.

*11. Bowing to 'Mata':
Missles, smallbpox, verities of Pox ... virus. Stop, stopand stop.
Indians: No no no no ... no Pox or Small pox, but 'Mata' aa 'Maai' i.e 'Mother';
but here 'Maataa' or 'Maaee' is considered as 'Devi', or 'Devies'. 7 numbers like:
'BaRee Maataa', 'Majhalee Maai', 
'Chotee Maataa', 'Kodawaa',  
'Galsod', 'Pansahaa', 
But why people in India say 'Mata' or Maai; not Pox, misles, mumps ....
Who say? 
How can the viral disease be a 'Maata', 'Mother'?
Do you like to say pox, smal pox, misles, mumps ...
or like to say  'Maata', 'Mother'?

>> Who is correct? A Vaidya?, or an MMS - physisian?

Believe it or not!! But it or not!!! 
"Maataa really had come"; not only once, but twice came 'Mata' one after the other within 2 years.
Really, belief it or not!!!
However, 'Mata' did come. Came with all pomp and show.  
All activities stopped, once she came really, belive it or not!!!.   


*12. Curing High BP: No Medication for Next 1 to 3 years.

*13. Cure of some Cancer by EMS.

*14. Living with HIV.
Eclectic Medical System-D: 10.01.2018